CFS2 Conversion of J R Lucariny's P51D available here New Textures and DP by Sopwith Chameleon, Original Aircraft model by JR Lucariny 3 Textures Enclosed : P51D-5 NA "Duchess of Manhattan", flown by Capt Henry B Lederer, 374th FS, 361st FG, 1944 & George Preddy's "Cripes a'Mighty" 3rd, 487th FS, 352 FS - this is the Aircraft in which Maj Preddy scored most of his victories, the Aircraft he was flying when killed after being hit by friendly ground fire on Christmas Day 1944, was a later Model P51D with the fin fillet, S/N 44-14906 - after Preddy changed Aircraft, "Cripes" (S/N 44-13321) was re-coded HO-N and was flown by Captain Marion J Nutter, and re-named "Sexshunate" - and Lt. Henry H Barnes' 487th Fighter Squadron. P-51D 44-13619 HO-B "Williams Villian" Lt. Barnes was MIA on 13 August 1944 but evaded capture. At the time he was flying 44-13588 HO-V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to J R Lucariny for a fine Model, and permission to post and to JD Tinballs for the Tail Wheel Fix, and to Egypt for invaluable input
by SopwithChameleon (2006-08-09 )
by SopwithChameleon (2006-08-09 )