P39 Skin Pack for the B24 Guy's OH Airacobra
P-39 Skin Pack by Sopwith Chameleon 2 Skins enclosed - representing a P39-D of the 42nd FS, 11th AF active in the Aleutean Campaign 1942/3 and "Airacutie" of the 36th FS, 8th FPG, New Guinea, 1943 (Final Version incorporating "Bars to the Stars" & Recognition Markings common to PNG Based Aircraft - the Reclining Nude Artwork was changed after damage to the Nose Panels) New CFG 's enclosed
by SopwithChameleon
P-39 Skin Pack by Sopwith Chameleon 2 Skins enclosed - representing a P39-D of the 42nd FS, 11th AF active in the Aleutean Campaign 1942/3 and "Airacutie" of the 36th FS, 8th FPG, New Guinea, 1943 (Final Version incorporating "Bars to the Stars" & Recognition Markings common to PNG Based Aircraft - the Reclining Nude Artwork was changed after damage to the Nose Panels) New CFG 's enclosed
by SopwithChameleon