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CFS3 P61 Black Widow Set. ****V.2 UPDATED****

set updated to fix flap animations, landing gear contact points and several other minor issues. Now includes the "what if" scenario Korean war photo reccon version.

This pack contains 13 aircraft which are broken into 3 groups

1. ETO - 8 aircraft:
1 x P61-A1 USAAF.
2 x P61-A5 USAAF.
2 x P61-A11 USAAF.

1 x P61-B1 USAAF
1 x P61-B6 USAAF.
1 x P61-B15 USAAF.

2. PTO - 4 aircraft:
2 x P61-A1 USAAF.

1 x P61-B2 USAAF.
1 x P61-B15 USAAF.

3. Korean Skies - 1 aircraft:
1 x RF61-C USAAF.
The individual aircraft names start with SJT_ (ETO) and SJTP_ (PTO) SJTK_ (Korean skies) just to help identify which theater of operations they belong too.


The following people are responsible for the package:

External fs9 model original by WJO team for FS9 then converted and upgraded by Ted (Nachtpiloten) Kaniuka.

cfs3 vc and gun stations by Stephen (Sdsbolt) Seybolt.

All main external and VC Textures by John (Bravo/4) Whelan.

some VC gauges by herbie G, and Ted (Nachtpiloten) Kaniuka.

Mos File by Rob (Capt. Winters) Stevenson.

XDP compilation, historical content, plane set construction by Rob (Capt. Winters) Stevenson.

Flight Model By Ted (Nachtpiloten) Kaniuka.

Effects by Rob (Capt. Winters) Stevenson, Daniel (Gecko) Holtz, and Andy (Majormagee) Magee.

Weapons and pylons by AvHistory, Ted (Nachtpiloten) Kaniuka, Andy (Majormagee) Magee.

Engine sounds by AvHistory.

Optional Shaders for Ankors scenery work by Daniel (Gecko) Holtz.

Testing: Grizzly50, Brav0/4, Geko, Capt. Winters, Sdsbolt.

Aircraft model limitations: LOD 100 model only.

Freeware items not to be loaded onto any web site without the written permission of Steve Seybolt.
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