
spit2ebz.zip 2024-06-10

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This is a CFS3 skins package that was originally posted on the Netwings site. They were intended for stock CFS3 and/or CFS3 with Firepower ONLY. Nothing has been modified in any way and it is still in it's original *.zip file. Here is the README for full acknowledgement:

CFS3 Supermarine Spitfire Mk IIA 41 Squadron
Original CFS3 Gmax Spitfire MkIA (v1.0) Patrick DIDIER.
Original Flight Model By: Bill (Spitfrnd) Wilson For CFS3 7/14/03 11:23 AM Flight Model Workbook V2.82.104.
Mk IIA modifications by Robert (Rabbit 2) Sneddon.

CFS3 Supermarine Spitfire Mk IIA 41 Squadron `Observer Corps`
Mods of Patrick Didier`s Spitfire MkIA to Mk IIA standard in 41 Squadron markings from late 1940.
(Version 1.3)
Unzip the file spit2ebz to a folder somewhere in your main directory. Then copy the folder Spitfire_2_41 to your main CFS3 aircraft folder.
The uires and shared files contain additional RAF noseart and go in the appropriate CFS3 folders.
The upgrades folder contains modifications to some of my previous MkII conversions and the files included replace the existing files for these models if you already have them installed.
You need the Avhistory weapons pack installed for this model to work properly.
This is avalable at http://www.avhistory.org/ if you dont have it.
If you want to use this model in a CFS 3 dynamic campaign,
first open the relevent campaign with notepad.
go down to the section containing the aircraft and paste the folowing lines between any existing entries.

Please note that adding new aircraft to a campaign file can sometimes disable any campaigns in progress so remember to make a backup.
This model is set up to spawn from the end of 1940 through to the end of 1941. By which time the MkVb had become the RAF`s main day fighter.

Original CFS3 Gmax Spitfire MkIA model by Patrick Didier who created the original model and is willing to allow the rest of us to muck about with it.
Original Flight Model By: Bill (Spitfrnd) Wilson For CFS3 7/14/03 11:23 AM Flight Model Workbook V2.82.104.
Mk IIA modifications by Robert (Rabbit 2) Sneddon.
All portions of this archive are freeware and should not be marketed in any form for financial gain without the express permission of Patrick Didier, Bill Wilson or Robert Sneddon.
Use at your own risk.
This folder contains one model, in the markings of No41 Squadron from the end of 1940. This is a rather early production Mk II as it has the `B` camoflage pattern discontinued at the
end of 1940 rather than the more usual `A` scheme applied to most MkII`s. The aircraft also has the sky recognition band round the rear fuselage introduced during December 1940
and in common with most aircraft painted in the field it partially covers the serial.
I`ve also included some upgrades for my previous Mk IIs as I found some errors in the panel lines and rivets inherited from the original PD model while working on this one and
have also updated some info in some of the other files.

Robert Sneddon
First release
Last update
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