Spitfire Mk. IX_Norwegian service 1942-52

Spitfire Mk. IX_Norwegian service 1942-52 2024-06-11

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Repaints for the superb payware Realair Spitfire IX. This pack includes 22 repaints of Spitfire IXc/e covering the entire 10 year period the mark was in Norwegian service (1942-52). 331 sqn and 332 sqn operated first as part of the North Weald Wing, later they formed the core of the new 132 (N) Wing of the 2.TAF and followed the Allied advance through Europe. After the war the two squadrons returned to Norway and flew the Spitfire until replaced by the F-84G in 1952. The "Feltflyvingen" was a short lived cadre/Operational training unit in the immediate post war years when both 331 and 332 Sqn were temporarily disbanded due to personnel shortage.

1.IXc "AH-W" (BS507), 332 Sqn, Sqn.Co. Wilhelm Mohr, 1942
2.IXc "FN-B" (MH603), 331 Sqn, 1943
3.IXc "AH-T" (BS255), 332 Sqn, 2.Lt Marius Eriksen, early 1943
4.IXc "FN-L" (MA568), 331 Sqn, Capt. Svein Heglund, 1943
5.IXc "FN-R" (BS125), 331 Sqn, Capt. Leif Lundsten, 1943
6.IXc "AH-Z" (EN177), 332 Sqn, Capt. Werner Christie/2.Lt Marius Eriksen, 1943 Summer
7.IXc "AH-O" (ML244), 332 Sqn, 2.Lt Ola Gjert Aanjesen, 1944
8.IXc "AH-Z" (NH171), 332 Sqn, Sqn.Co. Werner Christie, 1944 D-day
9.IXe "RAB" (PV181), 132nd Wing, Wing.co Rolf Arne Berg, 1945
10.IXe "RAB" (PV181), late scheme, 132nd Wing, Wing.co. Rolf Arne Berg, 1945
11.IXe "AH-F" (NH475), 332 Sqn, 1945 Homecoming
12.IXe "AH-S" (NH550), 332 Sqn, 1945 Homecoming
13.IXe "FN-L" (MJ931), 331 Sqn, 1945 Homecoming
14.IXe "FN-Z" (PL187), 331 Sqn, 1945 Homecoming
15.IXe "FN-L" (MJ931), 331 Sqn, 1945 Summer
16.IXe "FN-K" (PT882), Feltflyvingen, 1946
17.IXe "AH-S" (NH550), 332 Sqn, 1946
18.IXe "A-CD" (JL361), 331 Sqn, 1950
19.IXe "AH-H" (MK671), 332 Sqn, 1951-52
20.IXe "AH-Z" (NH550), 332 Sqn, 1951-52
21.IXe "FN-L" (PL912), 331 Sqn, 1951-52
22.IXe "FN-C" (ML363), 331 Sqn, 1951-52
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