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Strait of Dover 1 & 2 OFF Phase2 missions =========================================== Strait of Dover1 ================ A German destroyer has been spotted outside Dover. In your Short.184 armed with a torpedo scuttle the destroyer by putting a torpedo through its hull. This mission is SHORT, if you are successful, as the name of the airplane indicates
Of course you can try to land the aircraft in the water near the cliffs of Dover and practise take-offs and landings, which are both a little tricky. Therefore I created another mission: Strait of Dover2, with a little more action. ================= In your Sopwith Camel equipped with 8 Le Prieur rockets scuttle the German destroyer! Then join the fracas over the cliffs of Dover and shoot down bogey fighters, and finally land at Dover Airbase. As earlier unzip and copy and paste into your ...CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields/Missions/Training-folder April 6, 2007 Eurofinn
by Eurofinn (2007-04-06 13:16:43)
Submitted by NMG
Strait of Dover 1 & 2 OFF Phase2 missions =========================================== Strait of Dover1 ================ A German destroyer has been spotted outside Dover. In your Short.184 armed with a torpedo scuttle the destroyer by putting a torpedo through its hull. This mission is SHORT, if you are successful, as the name of the airplane indicates
by Eurofinn (2007-04-06 13:16:43)
Submitted by NMG