
Talon_Pacific_GSL_Ports.zip 2024-05-01

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This is a consolidation package of GSL Ports released by Talon for the Pacific theatre. In this package, you will find two separate folders which contain the following modifications.

This Post-2008 folder, uploaded in memory of Talon, contains a total of two major Japanese wartime GSL ports that he created for various missions and campaigns that he did over the years, and one American harbor attacked by the Japanese just prior to the Midway raid. The GSL ports found in this folder are Rabaul, Truk, and Dutch Harbor.

One of these GSL ports have not been released before, (Dutch Harbor) and thanks go to Hiede & TheBookie for hanging onto and giving permission to upload this for SOH users. One of the other GSL ports (Rabaul) was modified by Rami to accommodate the updated New Britain scenery by UncleTgt.

This pre-2008 folder, uploaded in memory of Talon, contains a total of nine GSL ports that he created for various missions and campaigns that he did over the years. The GSL ports found in this package include Canton, (China) Hankow, (China) Haiphong, (Indochina) Hong Kong, Kanwaing / Rangoon (Burma) Kure, (Japan) Manila, (Philippines) Port Moresby, (Papua New Guinea) and Taikao. (Formosa)

Two of these GSL ports (Manila and Taikao) have not been released before, and thanks go to both Hiede and TheBookie for hanging onto and giving their permission to upload this for SOH users.

This version includes and replaces the Port Moresby and older ports package in the CFS2 library.


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