TC H6K4 Mavis

TC H6K4 Mavis 2024-05-05

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Piglet H6K4 Mavis revision by UncleTgt

This is a re-engineering of Piglet's H6K5 Mavis for CFS 2. It started as an exercise in learning how to do aircraft animations in G-Max, & grew from there. It uses the main LOD of Piglet's H6K5 as it's basis, & I've added or amended:

Added textured prop disks & blades, adapted from Thicko's B5N2 Kate & combined with an Akemi-style disk, to model the different appearance front & back.

Replaced Piglet's crew with figures taken from Stuart Green's G4M1 Betty.

Added a dorsal gun position (as per H6K4 model)

Added some fuel tanks to the central fuselage interior - more than half the all-up weight of the Mavis was fuel, much of it carried in unprotected fuselage bladder tanks. This made it possible to fly some staggeringly long range missions, but at the cost of survivability if it was intercepted.

Added a windscreen mounted compass panel to the VC view

Created 3 model variations - shiny alum without spinners for 1940-41, dull shine, no spinners for 1942, & dull shine, with spinners for later war.

I've made the 2D panel bitmap WIN 7+ safe. I changed the plane commander position to the starboard side, mimicking the cockpit arrangements known to be used in the G4M Betty. I'm assuming the Mavis crew arrangements would have followed the same operating pattern.

I developed more appropriate payload options in the DP file, see the ordnance notes for which weapon packs were used. The DP file uses the wep_internal_tank to mimic the trade-offs necessary when planning VLR recon missions/ or LR strike payloads. You couldn't carry a full fuel load and max out the ordnance carried.

A new airfile was developed, & optimised for AI & combat performance. It approximates the published data for speed & range.

A new water spray effect was created using Bill Kestell's effect as the starting point.

Unfortunately I was not able to retain the multi-LODs, at this point it's beyond my capabilities. So this model is single LOD (for now).However it seems to give acceptable frame rates, & this aircraft was not usually encountered in large numbers.

The textures supplied are:

O-21 Toko ku, Philippines & DEI, December 1941
O-46 Toko ku, Tulagi, August 1942
NI-05 802 ku, Truk, May 1943

To install, unzip the download to a temporary location & move/ copy files to the matching folder names inside your chosen CFS 2 install.

Thanks to: Tim Conrad (Piglet) Piglet for his undoubted skill in creating the original H6K5.

Stuart Green for the crew figures taken from his Betty - this saved me a lot of time.

Similarly Thicko for the Kate prop blades, & Akemi for the basis of the prop disk - I'm just adapting these items for use on a different aircraft.

Allen for his DOSmdlc_2, making shine & mdl size changes possible in WIN7+

Arno Gerretsen for ModelconverterX, such a clever & versatile tool.

Kelticheart for his prop bitmaps & exhaust effects.

Bill Kestell for his range of seaplane & floatplane water spray effects.

This is freeware and subject to the usual conditions.


JUL 2022

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Last update
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