(21) CFS3 Repaint Aircraft (stand alone) (American) (1.46 Meg) (downloaded 1078 times)
A P-47d razorback repaint, designed to stand alone and not affect the stock razorback or any other P-47 razorback. The model represents "Touch of Texas" of the 405th FG, ground-pounders extrordinaire, and was assigned to Capt Charles Morhle. The aircraft completed over 50 missions and I've attempted to model a combat hardened vet. Many Thanks and Enjoy!
by smyers (2002-12-11 22:02:55) (1.46 Meg) (downloaded 1078 times)
A P-47d razorback repaint, designed to stand alone and not affect the stock razorback or any other P-47 razorback. The model represents "Touch of Texas" of the 405th FG, ground-pounders extrordinaire, and was assigned to Capt Charles Morhle. The aircraft completed over 50 missions and I've attempted to model a combat hardened vet. Many Thanks and Enjoy!
by smyers (2002-12-11 22:02:55)