The Balkans Project - Part

The Balkans Project - Part 2024-05-03

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This package replaces the following CFS2 campaign packages: Hellas, Operation Marita, RAF Vs Luftwaffe, Defense of Crete, Dodecanese campaigns, and RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica.

* I updated this package on 31 March, 2016 to correct nine ships with missing folders, the scenery.cfg file, two missing object packs, and the 21st Dodecanese mission to correct AI attacks, which were configured incorrectly.

* This package was corrected for a final time on 26 April, 2016 to correct missing objects and to also fix some missions (about eight in all) that would not load due to editing errors.

Welcome to The Balkans Project campaigns package! This package contains twelve campaigns and a total of some two hundred and fifty missions which center around the experiences of the Italians, Greeks, Germans, and the British (both the Fleet Air Arm and the Royal Air Force) during the period of conflict in the Balkan Theatre. The period of conflict ranges primarily from 28 October, 1940 up until 30 May, 1941. However, the campaign involving the Fleet Air Arm begins in early September, 1940.

This campaign is a conglomeration of several campaign packages I have released covering various areas of the Balkan conflict, combined with about sixty-five missions (approximately one quarter of the included missions) that are brand-new. The original inspiration for this package came from three sources: The “Hellas” campaign, originally at Simviation, several of the original missions from the Groundcrew “Swordfish” campaign, and the Gladiator campaign by Don Pyers. Beyond that, all of the other German, Italian, Greek, and a good portion of the British missions were created by me, along with most of the GSL scenery; the airfields excluded, of course.

These missions, for the most part (excluding the semi-fictional “Hellas” campaign, and certain missions in the Fleet Air Arm campaign) are historical or historically-based, with certain liberties being taken to combine raids for the sake of brevity. The three primary sources for this effort are “Going Solo,” by Roald Dahl, “Air War for Yugoslavia, Greece, and Crete, 1940-41” by Christopher Shores, Brian Cull, and Nicola Malizia, and “Courage Alone, The Italian Air Force 1940-1943” by Chris Dunning.

This is Part II of the Balkans Project campaigns package. In this package, you'll find the GSL scenery objects, anti-aircraft guns, voice packs, nationality screens, buildings, and scenery packages, as well as nearly all of the other equipment required, together with the campaign and mission files themselves.

Those whose work has been used for this project include: Davmag, Brunosk, Captain Kurt, Kdriver, Pen32Win, Jean Bomber, Ajax, Tobob, Erufle, Collin, Franz Von Baron, Shessi, Wozza, Blackbird686, LouieG, Simonu, Spryb, Steve Seybolt, Psullykeys, Achim27619, Xavierb, Wolfi, Stiz, Canion, The Virtual Navy, Robert John, MaskRider, Gary Burns, Isoliti4gatti, Nanni, Nibbio, Bismarck13, UncleTgt, The Groundcrew Team, Paul Rebuffat, Usio, and the AF Team. Due to this, it is imperative that you gain permission from all parties before uploading this file package to a location other than Please be respectful of the rights of all those whose work is found here.



Submitted by Rami
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