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No one wants to be the last man killed at the end of a war. It is April, 1945. The Russians have Berlin surrounded. Our Furher will be dead soon. The Americans have sent 100 un-escorted B-17s to pound Brunswick, our only surviving industrial center. All we have left are a few FW-190s and some ME-262s. We will not arrive in time to save Brunswick, so we will chase the B-17s on their way home. The glory of war has long since past. We are in survival mode. There is no honorable way to die today, but the Fatherland must be defended to our last breath. Let us not allow our 1000 Year Reich to end with a wimper. It is our duty and our destiny. Attack.... And Die!
by SPQR33 (2006-11-11 09:11:10)
Submitted by SPQR33
No one wants to be the last man killed at the end of a war. It is April, 1945. The Russians have Berlin surrounded. Our Furher will be dead soon. The Americans have sent 100 un-escorted B-17s to pound Brunswick, our only surviving industrial center. All we have left are a few FW-190s and some ME-262s. We will not arrive in time to save Brunswick, so we will chase the B-17s on their way home. The glory of war has long since past. We are in survival mode. There is no honorable way to die today, but the Fatherland must be defended to our last breath. Let us not allow our 1000 Year Reich to end with a wimper. It is our duty and our destiny. Attack.... And Die!
by SPQR33 (2006-11-11 09:11:10)
Submitted by SPQR33