The Tuskegee Airmen - Part

The Tuskegee Airmen - Part 2024-05-02

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* This package was updated on 23 April, 2016 to include missing gauges for several aircraft.

Welcome to Part I of the Tuskegee Airmen campaign package! This is an effort to chronicle the flying history of the Tuskegee Airmen, who began their combat life as the 99th Fighter Squadron, and who later became the 332nd Fighter Group. Starting in April, 1943, this campaign package, split into four parts, covers one hundred and six missions from their beginning in April, 1943 to their end in May, 1945. The total length of the campaign is chopped into four smaller campaigns because of the limits of AI aircraft.

Within this first package, you will find all of the single-engined aircraft, gauges, sounds, & weapons required for this campaign. All the required single-engined aircraft have been included, as well as any historical repaints that would have been used during or near the time that the Tuskegee Airmen fought their way from Casablanca to Berlin. Those whose work has been included in this first package include the Alphasim freeware team, Dbolt, Graham, (VB planes) Oldwheat, Bub, Brunosk, Bismarck13, Paul Rebuffat, Team Daedalus, Captain Kurt, Morton, Moparmike, the Virtual Wings team, Obio, Watchdog22, the Groundcrew team, Lawdog2360, DD546, Sopwith Chameleon, Peperez, the DoAv2 team, Isoliti4gatti, Kelticheart, Jaxon, Mike Hambly, Marc Siegel, Andrew Wai, Misson, the FDGv2 freeware team, Akemi, ChrisN, Cobrauk, and Krystof Malinowski.

All of the aircraft in this package have been modified, when necessary, to include the appropriate repaints, when possible, for the aircraft. I've also included modified .dp files for each aircraft which correct information in the [MISC.DATA] section that I found to be in error. To lessen issues with frame rates with many waves of aircraft in the sky, all exhaust effects have been removed, if they were included in the original models.

Additionally, all weapons required for the aircraft have been included.


Submitted by Devildog73
First release
Last update
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