Tobob St Nazaire

Tobob St Nazaire 2024-05-08

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This is Tobob’s St. Nazaire scenery, with contributions from Rami. This package is for CFS2, & is used in the Battle for Europe campaign. Tobob has graciously donated his coastlines and land class to the project, allowing for me to build GSL scenery for the port & sub pen areas without the interference of detached coastlines resulting from the interaction between Sander's Europe scenery and Rhumbaflappy's newer world water masks.

Tobob deserves much of the credit for this scenery package, he did more than the lion’s share of the effort, in that the land class, coastlines, water masks, and elevation mesh were all created by him.

A credit also goes to Talon, who walked me (Rami) through analyzing the .dp file to figure out the naming flaw that was preventing an in the La Rochelle package object from generating a .cdp file.

My contribution to this scenery package was the placement of objects from our various designers to create the placements for the dockyards, sub pen, and lighthouses to bring some measure of life to St. Nazaire, and then use those layouts to create the GSL scenery. The additional layout for ship, vehicle, and anti-aircraft gun placement was also created by me.

This scenery package is being released as freeware, and there are no restrictions to its usage so long as it is not uploaded to a site where a member must pay to access it. The campaign that this scenery will be utilized for will be uploaded shortly; this scenery is being released in anticipation of such an endeavor.

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