orch spit.zip (23) CFS3 Repaint Aircraft (stand alone) (Other)
Torch_Spit.zip (1.97 Meg) (downloaded 1040 times)
OK I have finally figured out how to make stand-alone aircraft. (Thanks to the area51) and here is my first one. Once installed it will appear in the American aircraft Menu as Torch Spit. It is based on an actual paint scheme applied to american aircraft during the initial stages of the Torch Landings in North Afrika. I hope you like it.
by soupdragon (2002-12-12 17:39:24)
Torch_Spit.zip (1.97 Meg) (downloaded 1040 times)
OK I have finally figured out how to make stand-alone aircraft. (Thanks to the area51) and here is my first one. Once installed it will appear in the American aircraft Menu as Torch Spit. It is based on an actual paint scheme applied to american aircraft during the initial stages of the Torch Landings in North Afrika. I hope you like it.
by soupdragon (2002-12-12 17:39:24)