I edited the stock weapons.bgl to update the US bombs. The bombs use the measurements listed in the TM 9-1980 book from the US War Department Nov 1944. This will update the 250lbs, 500lbs, 1000lbs and 2000lbs bombs with bombs that are the right size. I wanted to put in some more details but SCASM wouldn't let me as it would error when trying to convert it back to a .bgl
These bombs work just fine with the stock aircraft so no DP eding required. Replace your stock weapons.bgl found at SCENEDB\weapons\scenery with this one and bombs away! I have tested this weapons.bgl and had no problems but should you have a problem I have inclued the stock weapons.bgl named Org_weapons.bgl so you can change back.
These bombs work just fine with the stock aircraft so no DP eding required. Replace your stock weapons.bgl found at SCENEDB\weapons\scenery with this one and bombs away! I have tested this weapons.bgl and had no problems but should you have a problem I have inclued the stock weapons.bgl named Org_weapons.bgl so you can change back.