• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

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    Library How to
US Airbase DaNang_with_update

US Airbase DaNang_with_update 2024-04-29

No permission to download

Note: This package was modified by the SOH librarian on 27 March, 2017 to include the following update: US Airbase DaNang Update 1

I made some changes to the AFCAD so it now will be a little smother on fps.

Some new buildings are placed.

The DaNang tower and the tower of Marble Mountain airport are changed and now look more realistic. Just placed them to the right place now.

The repaints of F-4C Phantoms are more realistic now and flight plane has changed a little bit.

Please take notice of the readme.

I continue the timeline in my scenaries and did the next scenery for the Vietnam War. There is a big freeware project for this timeline called the Vietnam War project. Many sceneries are done by this project. You will find a DaNang scenery there too.

I (for myself..) decide to do a new one for US Airbase DaNang witch will have more details. It matches with all the other ones and just some little things are to change if you have installed the Vietnam War project. The result of this development from US Airbase DaNang is now available for download as freeware in here. It is far away from perfect... its just useble.

There is a big ai-traffic inside using about 350 aircrafts and 50 ships in this area.

Still i name it as "Beta".... it will shurly get some updats in future time. This scenery is heavy on fps but even on my older laptop (using Win7 and DX10 fixer) it is useble without problems with about 20-25 fps by flying the Milviz Phantom just over DaNang. I think thats ok. In SOH Forum i posted many pictures that show the fps i get on my laptop in the left upper corner of that pictures.

Special thanks: My special thank goes to Mark (roger wilco-66). Without his help and comprehensive advice, this scenery would not been arisen. If i had a question.... he had the answer... every time.

Even without his fantastic libraries this scenery would not be seen today. It would probably never have gone beyond the hard drive of my computer.

Mark ... thanks for all !

I used many other freeware models in this scenery. Some are ai-models and also there are normal plane i converted to use as ai-traffic.

Some ai ships i use belong to Henrik Nielsen, who gave his permission to use in scenery. Many thanks for this fantastic models, aspecialy for his fantastic german hospital ship MS-Helgoland. The real ship took place in DaNang for about 4 years during Vietnam War.

Some models in use come from the Vietnam War project libraries. Even you must have installed this libraries on your computer to show my scenery right.

Many other designer are involved with their very fine models (sometimes i even don`t know their names) .... but surely all models i use are freeware. So please don`t use all the elements of this scenery in other way as freeware without the permission of this designers.

I hope you will enjoy this little scenery.

Klaus Nowak (aka klnowak in Sim Outhouse)
March 2017
First release
Last update
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