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US Aerial Mines for CFS2 by UncleTgt

This is a collection of US aerial mine models, compiled as weapon bgls, so they can be added via the aircraft dp. Alphasim, Groundcrew & Baldy have all modelled air-droppable mine weapons before, but I was able to acess some more detailed information regarding overall weights & dimensions. I put these together with a variety of photographic sources to arrive at a range of weapons that hopefully gives an impression of how this weapon type was developed through ww2.

They are multiLOD, & each model centre is the pylon hang point, same as Allens & DBolts weapons. This should allow for some consolidation of aircraft mounts, helping with CFS 2's 24 Hardpoint limit.

wep_US_mk13_mine_UT A small aircraft mine, this was designed to use 1000lb bomb release gear, & could be used as a normal bomb instead. Total weight 1118lbs.

wep_US_mk25_mine_UT The standard large aircraft mine. Total weight 2000lbs.

wep_US_mk24_FIDO_UT Not strictly a mine at all, but the world's first acoustic homing ASW torpedo. Introduced into service in March 1943. Drop limits were: maximum drop altitude 200-300ft, aircraft speed <142mph (120kts). Unfortunately, this will behave like the other normal torpedoes & run in a straight line...

CFS 2 does not model depthcharges or aerial mines, so all are configured as Type 1 bombs, to give the smallest splash on impact.

To install, unzip the download to a temporary location & move/ copy files to the matching folder names inside your chosen CFS 2 install.

Thanks to: Allen for his Making Exploding Objects using FS2002 Tools & Tutorial.

Arno Gerretsen for ModelconverterX & FXeditor, such clever & versatile tools.

This is freeware and subject to the usual conditions.


OCT 2021

First release
Last update
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