Wake Island 1943 wreck Eye-Candy UT

Wake Island 1943 wreck Eye-Candy UT 2024-05-11

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Wake 1943 Eyecandy

Two simple mods for existing objects to turn them into Wake Island wreckage.

F4F Wildcat wreckage. These are simple repaints of Allen's F4F crashed & F4F wreck bgls, painted to depict the VMF211 F4F-3 discarded off the end of the runway at Wake in 1941.

Get Allens F4F Wildcats wrecks & crashed bgls & simply replace the Navy Blue textures with these.

MomiAPD wrecks. In the original invasion in December 1941 the Japanese deliberately beached 2 old Momi class DDs, converted for use as APDs, to ensure the landing force got ashore. These wrecks were soon de-gunned to provide the island with improved defences, & were still visible as landmarks even to the very end of the War.

Stuart 277 did most of the butchery to his Momi APD models, I just tweaked the textures, then using g-max & Allen's "making Exploding Objects using FS2002" tutorial I was able to generate the scenery bgls.

Place these in the relevant folders within your cfs2 install. A simple mission is provided to illustrate the scenery locations, together with an layout for use in missions. Best used with my reworked Marcus & Wake scenery.

Thanks to: Allen for the steer on configuring g-max to complete the bgl export, his Exploding Objects using FS2002 tutorial & tools, & lastly his F4F Wildcat wrecked & crashed bgls.

Stuart 277 for graciously butchering his Momi APD models & providing 2 different options for compilation as wreck bgls.


JAN 2020

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