This is a repaint only for the Warbirdsim P-51D "Little Friends II" product. This Mustang, P-51D-5-NA 44-13303, was the personal mount of Maj. James A. Goodson. Born in New York, Goodson was attending the University of Toronto when he entered the war by enlisting as part of 416 Squadron RCAF. He was sent to England as part of 416 Squadron, was then sent to 43 Squadron RAF, then became part of the 133 "Eagle" Squadron RAF. When 133 Eagle Squadron converted to the 336th FS, 4th FG, of the 8th AF, the Squadron continued flying Spitfires until P-47's arrived (quite a big change!), and then later P-51's. Maj. Goodson, called "Goody" by his friends and family, became one of the top scoring USAAF aces of the war. On September 20, 1944, however, Goodson had to belly this aircraft in, behind enemy lines, after he was struck by ground fire while on a strafing run. Goodson was taken prisoner and was a POW until the end of the war.