This is a repaint for the payware Warbirdsim "Mustang Tales" product. This repaint depicts P-51D-25-NA 44-73029 "Bald Eagle", as it appears today, owned by Jim Beasley Jr. and based at Coatesville, PA. Built too late to see action in WWII, this aircraft served in the Air National Guard in the post-war years, and was then sold surplus in 1958 and served with the Nicaraguan AF. The aircraft was imported back into the US in 1963, passing through several owners until it was purchased in 1969 by Jessie Baker, registered N51JB, and raced at Reno during the 70's as #15/"Jay Bee". In rough shape, the aircraft was purchased by Jim Beasley Sr. in 1979 (following years of pestering and clever persuasion by a young Jim Jr.) and it was sent to Unlimited Aircraft at Chino for restoration. The aircraft was completed in the markings of Lt. Robert Eckfeldt, of the 374th FS, 361st FG. At the time, it was widely thought that aircraft of the 361st FG had been finished with insignia blue upper surfaces, based on poor color quality wartime photos, but it has since been determined that they originally used RAF dark green - Beasley thought the original wartime paint scheme looked pretty with the blue upper surfaces, as the WWII photos seemed to indicate, and that is how it was painted and will continue remain as long as it is kept in the Beasley family. In the hands of Jim Beasley Jr., the aircraft has been part of the Horsemen P-51 Flight Team, has been flown in numerous Heritage Flight demonstrations, and has put on countless aerobatic displays at airshows all over the country.
This package was modified on 14 March, 2016 to include the following update: This is an update that requires the P-51D "Bald Eagle" repaint This update corrects the appearance of the bottom of the horizontal tail surfaces to more accurately reflect the real aircraft (in the original repaint, this area was left bare metal, but the update adds the correct silver-painted finish and black stripes).