Warbirdsim P-51D Mustang Boo-Man Choo

Warbirdsim P-51D Mustang Boo-Man Choo 2024-06-23

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A repaint only for the payware Warbirdsim product 'Mustang Tales'. This repaint depicts the restored P-51D-25-NT 45-11391, "Boo-Man Choo", registered N51MV. This aircraft has a long civilian history, having been first registered with the FAA in 1963. In the 1990's, this aircraft became a popular sight when owned by Wally Sanders and painted as "Nervous Energy IV", and could sometimes be seen flown by the late, great Jeff Ethell. In the years since, the aircraft has passed through several owners, though the same over-all paint scheme has remained. In 2005, the aircraft's name was changed to "Luscious Lisa". In 2008, not long after having switched hands, the aircraft was damaged in a hard landing. For the next four years the aircraft was repaired and rebuilt, flying again in May 2012. The aircraft's most recent owner is Col. Ray Hofman, who now bases the aircraft in Midland, TX. The aircraft is now named "Boo-Man Choo", which is the nickname for Col. Hofman's son. The nose art was inspired by the nurse character from the animated cartoon Animaniacs. This repaint features new bump maps, wheel well, gun bay, and cockpit textures.
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