
  1. ferondoe

    Repaint FSLabs A320 MF_A320_ETEC 2020-05-23

    This folder contains a repaint for the FSLabs A320 CFM in the fictional colors (F-RBFB) ETEC. Repaint by Martial FERON, based on the fslabs Paint kit.
  2. ferondoe

    Repaint Aerosoft A320 NEO MF_A320_AFS 2020-05-23

    This folder contains a repaint for the Aerosoft A320 NEO in the colors of Air France Sky Team - (F-HEPI). Repaint by Martial FERON, based on the Aerosoft Paint kit.
  3. ferondoe

    Repaint Aerosoft A320 NEO MF_A320_AF_FHEPF 2020-05-23

    This folder contains a repaint for the Aerosoft A320 NEO in the colors of Air France - (F-HEPF). Repaint by Martial FERON, based on the Aerosoft Paint kit.