
  1. Scorch00

    Repaint FSX/P3D Cera Sim UH-60 Firefighting Texture Pack 2020-09-18

    This will likely be one pack of many as the UH-60/S-70 grows in popularity in the aerial firefighting industry and as the aging UH-1 platforms continue to be phased out and retired. This package includes 4 real world operators of the UH-60/S-70 for aerial firefighting and support missions...
  2. ferondoe

    Repaint AS365 Dauphin MF_Cerasim_AS365_Life Lion 2018-03-27

    This is a repaint for the Cerasim Eurocopter AS365 N3 Dauphin (N896LL, c/n 6294 of Penn State Hershey Life Lion) departing N94 on 2016-07-19. For Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Lockheed Martin P3Dv4. Repaint by Martial FERON.
  3. YoYo

    Repaint AS365 Dauphin SAR Lithuania 2018-11-04

    AS365 "Dauphin" SAR Lithuania The skin is dedicated for CeraSim model of AS365 N3+ Dauphin v2.0 (www.cerasimaircraft.com). This repaint represents: Airbus Helicopters AS365 N3+ Dauphin No.43 of the Lithuanian Air Force (Karines Oro Pajegos) for Search and rescue (SAR) operations and Baltic Air...
  4. YoYo

    Repaint AS365 Dauphin Chile Navy CeraSim 2018-11-12

    The skin is dedicated for CeraSim model of AS365 N3+ Dauphin v2.0 (www.cerasimaircraft.com). This repaint represents: Eurocopter/Aerospatiale AS365F Dauphin II of Armada de Chile (Navy), General Pourpose Helicopter Squadron HU-1. The repaint done by YoYo. Tested in P3Dv4.
  5. YoYo

    Repaint AS365 Dauphin Brazilian Army CeraSim 2018-11-27

    This repaint represents: Helibras HM-1 Pantera (Airbus Helicopters AS565 Panther) of Brazilian Army Aviation, 3th BAvEx - Batalhao de Aviaçao do Exército, EB2025. The repaint done by YoYo. Tested in P3Dv4. Enjoy!