
  1. GarryJSmith

    DH91 Bonus Liveries Pack - coming soon

    Edward Moore and I thought the DH91 aircraft and livery pack, recently released by the Ford Project Team, could do with a little bonus pack of liveries to enrich your flying fun with this model by Jans B. Kristensen. See http://www.ford-tri-motor.net/Misc-Aircraft.htm to get the original...
  2. GarryJSmith

    Ford Project DH91 Albatross and Textures Released

    Hi Good People, For those that are interested Edward and I have packaged up Jens B. Kristensen's deHavilland 91 Albatross (with his consent of course) and a small bucket of era specific liveries. As many may know only around 6 Albatross's were every manufactured before deHavilland was required...
  3. GarryJSmith

    Ford Project - New Aircraft Under Consideration

    Hi Good People, Edward and I are considering adding a new "Support" aircraft for use in the Ford Tri-Motor Project. The FS2004 De Havilland DH.91 Albatross by Jens B. Kristensen. This aircraft fits within our era specific range and would be a great addition to the overall impact of the Ford...