
  1. jankees

    Embraer EMB 120 VH-XUA Skippers Aviation 2019-10-13

    This folder contains a repaint for the Embraer EMB 120 by Carenado. It shows VH-XUA of Skippers Aviation in Perth, Western Australia. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the white textures supplied by Carenado.
  2. jankees

    Embraer EMB 120 VH-YEI Air South 2019-10-13

    This folder contains a repaint for the Embraer EMB 120 by Carenado. It shows VH-YEI of Air South of Adelaide, South Australia. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the white textures supplied by Carenado.
  3. jankees

    Embraer EMB 120 VH-YEI Ross Air 2019-10-13

    This folder contains a repaint for the Embraer EMB 120 by Carenado. It shows VH-YEI of Ross Air of Adelaide, South Australia, before the company merged with Air South. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the white textures supplied by Carenado.
  4. ferondoe

    Repaint Carenado EMB120 MF_CA_B120_TAT 2020-04-17

    This folder contains a repaint for the Carenado B120 in the colors of TAT (F-GHEX). Repaint by Martial FERON, based on the Carenado Paint kit.
  5. ferondoe

    Repaint Carenado EMB120 MF_CA_B120_RA 2020-04-18

    Updated. This folder contains a repaint for the Carenado B120 in the colors of Regional Airlines (F-GFER). Repaint by Martial FERON, based on the Carenado Paint kit.