howard 500

  1. TuFun

    Howard 500 with 2024-06-04

    Milton Shupe's revised Howard 500 model (2013). Complete FS2004 Howard 500 package. Artist rendition of the bare metal Howard 500. Adam Murphy's P&W R-2800 soundset. Falcon409 cockpit panels. Special startup effects exclusive for the Howard. NOTE: Fixed version of the missing cargo eng_t.bmp...
  2. Milton Shupe

    Howard 2024-06-03

    Howard 500 with VC for FS2004 by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, and Joao Paz. Pkg incl gMax fully animated, radial propelled, taildragger AC with "hand-flyer" flight dynamics, features a custom panel patterned after the RW N500HP, an easy-to-read fully functional virtual cockpit with day lighting...
  3. Roger

    Howard 500 For FSX 2024-05-05

    The Howard 500 was originally released for FS8 and FS9 by Milton Shupe and his design team. The aircraft has always been a favorite since it's release some years ago. The aircraft was updated with permission, to FSX SP2 as a fully compliant FSX model by Mike Allen Richards and is offered for...
  4. Milton Shupe

    Howard 500 2024-05-03

    Howard 500 with VC for FS2002 by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, and Joao Paz.
  5. Milton Shupe

    Howard 500 for FSX and P3D V1.1

    FSX Native Howard 500 for FSX and P3D v1.1 by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, Joáo Paz, Damian Radice, Nigel Richards, William Ellis, and Willy McCoy Modified to Correct Engine Mapping - Texture issue Pkg incl 5 models (Passenger and Cargo - Original Mapping and Revised Tail Mapping), custom...