just flight dc-6b

  1. fsxar177

    Just Flight DC-6B, Air Atlantique G-SIXC.zip 2024-07-10

    Repaint only for the payware Just Flight DC-6B, depicting G-SIXC. Air Atlantique operated G-SIXC, which was acquired in 1987 as a freighter. Currently resides at Coventry Airport, United Kingdom, as a DC-6 Diner, restaurant. Repaint by Joseph Thompson, courtesy of the Just Flight paint kit.
  2. fsxar177

    Just Flight DC-6B, Braniff Airways N91311.zip 2024-07-10

    Repaint only for the payware Just Flight DC-6B, depicting Braniff Airways N91311. Braniff Offered "High-Flying, High-Falooting, High-Speed Non-stop service between Chicago and Dallas" is what deemed the Braniff DC-6B services the "Texanaire." N91311, Douglas serial number 45063, was a DC-6B...