
  1. S

    KM FlakShips V1.0 2024-05-12

    GMax KM FlakShips for CFS2 V1.0 The Gazelle class was a group of ten light cruisers built for the Imperial German Navy at the turn of the 20th century. Medusa and Arcona were converted into anti-aircraft ships in 1940. There are two ships in this download: KM_Arcona_FS_1941_LOD...
  2. S

    KM Leipzig Cl V1.0 2024-05-12

    GMax models of the KM Leipzig and Nurnberg Light Cruisers for CFS2 V1.0 These ships represent the Kreigsmarine Cruiser Leipzig for CFS2 in 1939, 1941 and 1944 form and the Kreigsmarine Cruiser Nurnberg in 1939, 1942 and 1944 form. Ships are Multi_LOD and have new DP files. GMax Models are...
  3. S

    KM Emden Cl V1.0 2024-05-12

    GMax models of the KM Emden Cl V1.0 for CFS2 These ships represent the Kreigsmarine Cruiser Emden for CFS2 in 1939, 1942 and 1944 form Ships are Multi_LOD and have new DP files. GMax Models are included. Cheers, Stuart
  4. S

    KM 1939 Class TB V1.0 2024-05-12

    GMax models of the KM 1939 Class TB V1.0 These ships represent the Kaisermarine Type 23 torpedo boats for CFS2. Ships are Multi_LOD and have new DP files. GMax Models are included. There are two ships in this download. KM_TB1935_1942 KM_TB1935_1944 Cheers, Stuart
  5. S

    KM 1937 Class TB V1.0 2024-05-12

    GMax models of the KM 1937 Class TB V1.0 These ships represent the Kaisermarine Type 23 torpedo boats for CFS2. Ships are Multi_LOD and have new DP files. GMax Models are included. There are two ships in this download. KM_TB1935_1941 KM_TB1935_1944 Cheers, Stuart
  6. S

    KM 1935 Class TB V1.0 2024-05-12

    GMax models of the KM 1935 Class TB V1.0 These ships represent the Kaisermarine Type 23 torpedo boats for CFS2. Ships are Multi_LOD and have new DP files. GMax Models are included. There are two ships in this download. KM_TB1935_1940. KM_TB1935_1942. Cheers, Stuart
  7. S

    KM 1924 Class TB V1.0 2024-05-12

    GMax models of the KM 1924 Class TB V1.0 These ships represent the Kaisermarine Type 23 torpedo boats for CFS2. Ships are Multi_LOD and have new DP files. GMax Models are included. There are two ships in this download. KM_TB1924_1939. KM_TB1924_1942. Cheers, Stuart
  8. S

    KM 1923 Class TB V1.0 2024-05-12

    GMax models of the KM 1923 Class TB V1.0 These ships represent the Kaisermarine Type 23 torpedo boats for CFS2. Ships are Multi_LOD and have new DP files. GMax Models are included. There are two ships in this download. KM_TB1923_1939 KM_TB1923_1942 Cheers, Stuart
  9. S

    KM Flak MFP V1.0 2024-05-12

    GMax models of the Kriegsmarine MFP for CFS2 These GMax models represents the Kreigsmarine MFP and APF . There are three ships in this download. KM_Flak_MFP_1940 KM_Flak_MFP_1943 KM_Flak_APF_1944 The GMax LOD Models are included. Cheers, Stuart
  10. S

    KM Siebel Ferry V1.0 2024-05-12

    GMax models of the Seibel Ferry used by the German Forces for CFS2 These GMax models represents the Seibel Ferry used by the German Forces with different Loads, There are three ships in this download: KM_Siebel_Ferry_1940 KM_Siebel_Ferry_1940_L, with load KM_Siebel_Ferry_1940_LAA, with...
  11. S

    KM R Boat V1.0 2024-05-12

    GMax models of the Kreigsmarine R Boats for CFS2 These GMax models represents the Kreigsmarine R Boats R41–R129, R130–150 and R301–312. There are three ships in this download. KM_RBoat_1940 KM_RBoat_1943 KM_RBoat_1944 GMax models are included. Cheers, Stuart
  12. S

    KM TypeIIb UBoat V1.0 2024-05-12

    GMax KM TypeIIb UBoat for CFS2 V1.0 These GMax models represents the Kreigsmarine TypeIIB UBoat on the surface and submerged. The model is Multi-LOD and has a new .dp file. The GMax Models are included. Cheers, Stuart
  13. S

    KM Schleswig-Holstein for CFS2 V1.0 2024-05-12

    GMax models represents the Kreigsmarine Deutschland class battleship Schleswig-Holstein for CFS2. There are 2 models in this download: KM_SH_1939_LOD KM_SH_1944_LOD with heavier AA Armament The GMax LOD Models are included. Models have new DPs. The texture file, SMS_SH is unique to each...
  14. S

    KM Bussard Class ST for CFS2 V1.0 2024-05-12

    Kriegsmarine Bussard Class Seaplane Tender for CFS2 Gmax model is included. Model is Multi-LOD and has a new DP file. Cheers, Stuart
  15. S

    KM M Class Mineswepers for CFS2 V1.0 2024-05-11

    Gmax Models of the Kriegsmarine M Class Mineswepers for CFS2. Models are Multi-LOD and have new DP files. Eight models are included: KM_MS1935Early_LOD KM_MS1935EarlyLP_LOD KM_MS1935Late_LOD KM_MS1935LateLP_LOD KM_MS1940Early_LOD KM_MS1940EarlyLP_LOD KM_MS1940Late_LOD KM_MS1940LateLP_LOD The...
  16. S

    Milchkuh Uboat target CFS2 2024-05-11

    A Type XIV 'Milchkuh' U-boat U-464 CFS2 destroyable static scenery target, with simulated moving wake. Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, go find it and sink it! Shessi
  17. S

    CFS2 Uboat U-441 U_Flak1 2024-05-11

    A U-441 U_Flak1 U-boat for FS9 and CFS2 by Shessi U-441 was commissioned as a standard type VII-C U-boat in Feb, 1942. The type VII-C being the most common type of U-boat of WWII. U-441 had a career through 1942-43 as a training and operational U-boat. After 10 more war patrols she was...
  18. N

    Mas Legacy - Kriegsmarine Schnell Boot 2024-05-11

    This is a model of a Kriegsmarine "Schnell Boot" (S-Boot) for CFS2, uploaded to SOH for preservation after his website, CFS Small factory, went dark in April, 2019.
  19. J

    JX_TR_U-boot_Typ_VIIC_repaints 2024-05-11

    These are repaints for Tango_Romeo's Type VIIC Submarine. For easier use I have put complete ships in this pack. By Jaxon
  20. baldy

    Uboat-Wagtail 2024-05-11

    These files will add a Wagtail piloted unpowered kite to both the ship and pilotable versions of Tango Romeo's VII Uboat. by baldy