l-188 electra

  1. Scorch00

    P3Dv4/5 L-188 Electra Airtanker Pack V2.0 2023-01-19

    This package is an updated version of the v1.0 package. However, this pack is for use entirely in P3Dv4 or newer sims. Originally based on FS KBT's L-188 Passenger and Cargo versions, I was given permission by KBT to create the airtanker versions. This expands upon that permission updating...
  2. Scorch00

    L-188 Electra Airtanker Package 2024-05-01

    Their fantastic L-188 Electra model remains largely unchanged aside from the addition of an external tank to represent the iconic airtanker version that many fly as today. Additions include a tweaked auto smoke system for the engine exhaust so that it is automatically toggled to allow for the...