
  1. YoYo

    Repaint "JAARS" Milviz Pilatus PC-6 Porter 2020-03-23

    The repaint (textures only) for Milviz Pilatus PC-6 Porter B2-H4 model (payware addon for P3Dv4.4+). You need to have this great model of this legendary PC-6 plane. The repaint of Porter PK-UCF of JAARS organization. In aviation, JAARS helps its field partners start and run local aviation...
  2. ferondoe

    Repaint Milviz PC-6 50 years ALAT 2019-06-19

    This folder contains a repaint for the Milviz PC-6 in the colors 50 years of the Alat "MCE N°891." Repaint by Martial FERON, based on the Milviz Paint kit.