
  1. GarryJSmith

    Microsoft FS2004 Piper Cub Liverie

    Hi Good People, Long time since my last post on the forums - Had some major health issues for a while but getting over them after several months of rest and recuperation. I am now at a stage in my recovery that Edward and I thought it was time for a bit of light duties starting off with some...
  2. GarryJSmith

    A Fun Curtiss Jenny Story in Pictures

    Hi Good People, I just finished off another livery for the Curtiss Jenny JN4D aircraft - I have had this one in the paint pot for quiet a while - just pushing some boundaries and some fun ideas. A closer look at the livery: As this livery was just a fun tinker I am not sure if we will...
  3. GarryJSmith

    A Fun Curtiss Jenny Story in Pictures

    Hi Good People, I just finished off another livery for the Curtiss Jenny JN4D aircraft - I have had this one in the paint pot for quiet a while - just pushing some boundaries and some fun ideas. A closer look at the livery: As this livery was just a fun tinker I am not sure if we will...
  4. mirage3


    Hello All, i'm miro ;). Now i have learned how to repaint a FSX aircraft, (almost all...) and i have being finish a repaint of the BSMP SAAB 2000 for FSX (a great freeware aircraft) of the new Etihad Regional. Here is my question: everyone needs an repaint? If yes, show me please photos and talk...
  5. GarryJSmith

    Milton Shupe's Fleet Freighter50K Aircraft and Texture packs

    Hi Good People, It's time to release the's packaged version of the excellent Milton Shupe and Team's Fleet Freighter 50K aircraft. I have set the download of the aircraft to be three independent aircraft - Floats, Tundra (Wheels) and Skis Also - between Milton and I we create...
  6. GarryJSmith

    Fleet Freighter 50K - More Tinkers

    Hi Good People, Have been having a serious tinker with the Milton Shupe and Team's Fleet aircraft. Done all of my own master blanks and created a handful of test liveries and now have finished off some serious tinkers. Between us - Milton and I have also created a new 2D panel, I did the...