republic mk. ii thunderbolt bubble top

  1. R

    Republic Mk. II Thunderbolt Bubble Top, FL-O (KL 339).zip 2024-06-14

    FS2/FS2004 Republic Mk.II Thunderbolt Bubble Top, FL-O (KL 339), 81 Sqn, RAF, Kemajorma, Java, 1946. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev). By revev, 2008-08-15 06:42:19
  2. R

    Republic Mk. II Thunderbolt Bubble Top, FL-O (KL 339).zip 2024-05-17

    CFS2/FS2004 Republic Mk.II Thunderbolt Bubble Top, FL-O (KL 339), 81 Sqn, RAF, Kemajorma, Java, 1946. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev). By revev, 2008-08-15 06:42:19...
  3. R

    Republic Mk. II Thunderbolt Bubble Top, KW-D (KL 858).zip 2024-05-17

    CFS2/FS2004 Republic Mk. II Thunderbolt Bubble Top, KW-D (KL 858), 615 Sqn, RAF, Vizgapatam, India, 1945. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev). By revev, 2008-08-15 06:24:17...