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spitfire mk 9

  1. jankees

    Real Air Spitfire IX MK475 PH-NFO Schreiner Airways 2015-12-01

    This folder contains a repaint for the Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX by Real Air. It shows Spitfire IXc MK475 in the colors it wore when operated by Schreiner Airways as a target tug between 1954 and 1957, when it crashed and was destroyed. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the paint kit by RealAir.
  2. A

    Spitfire Mk. 9 clipped 2024-05-08

    FSX / P3Dv3, v4, v5 Spitfire Mk. 9 clipped In order to gain a slight improvement in roll rate and about 4 mph at low level, the wing-clipping was done on those models intended (or modified) for low-level. The increase in the rate of roll made it still more competitive with the German FW 190 at...
  3. A

    Spitfire Mk 9 Longwings 2024-05-08

    FSX / P3Dv3, v4, v5 Spitfire Mk9 Longwing The Spitfire Mk IX was originally developed as a stopgap measure as a response to the appearance of the Focke-Wulf FW 190A. It used the Merlin 60/70 series engines in a slightly modified Mark Vc fuselage. Native P3D/FSX mdls by A.F. Scrub.