
  1. N

    SpitfireWing.zip 2024-06-14

    GC Spitfire Wing Mission Pack (3) CFS3 Missions & Campaigns (British) SpitfireWing.zip (240.04 Kb) (downloaded 2891 times) This is a package of 26 missions for CFS3 which, if flown in chronological order, are meant to provide a mini-campaign which follows historical events. The missions trace...
  2. grizzly50

    SpitfireWing.zip 2024-06-03

    This is a campaign that was originally posted on the Netwings site. They were intended for stock CFS3 and/or CFS3 with Firepower ONLY. Nothing has been modified in any way and it is still in it's original *.zip file. Here is the README for full acknowledgement...