submitted by dombral

  1. dombral

    Textures for Fiat 2024-05-05

    6 textures for the Corado La posta I4br20 update by Xavier Berdaguer for missions in Méditerranée Lybie France Belgique Albanie.By xavierb See also CFS 2 Skins - Japanese
  2. dombral

    Textures for the CANT Z1007 monodé 2024-05-05

    2 textures for the Guilli and Pepperez CANT Z1007 monodériva.
  3. dombral

    Textures for the Guilli Cant 2024-05-05

    2 textures for the Cant Z1007 by Guilli and Pepperez.Discussion Thread See also CFS 2 Skins - Other CFS 2 Skins - Japanese
  4. dombral

    Texture for Cant Z1007 2024-05-05

    Texture for the Cant Z1007 261 sq 106gp 47st , new panel with the Austin_bomber sight. Panel work overhauled from the original, the new version being created by Gaucho_59. Discussion Thread
  5. dombral

    Skins for the Breda 2024-05-05

    Four skins for the Williams Dickens and Bismarck 13 Breda 65 Discussion Thread
  6. dombral

    IMAM Ro 43 ligth cruiser Di Savoia 2024-05-05

    Skin for the IMAM Ro 43 by F.Guili and Peperez. The aircraft is a seaplane onboard the ligth cruiser "Eugenio di Savoia" 1942 .
  7. dombral 2024-05-04

    LeO 45 and 451 Complete set of skins by Dombral LeO 45 : GBII 12 Mai 1940 LeO 451 : GBI31 Syrie 1941 : Regia Aeronautica Sardaigne 1943 The above replace the existing ones having been updated by Dombral. LeO 451 : Esc 4F Aeronavale 1942 : Oran 1940 : Tunisie 1943 : KG700 Luftwaffe...