
  1. L

    Golden Age Simulation's WACO QCF-2 N11478.zip 2024-07-07

    This is a repaint of the Golden Age Simulation's WACO QCF-2 loosely based on the real aircraft N11478. This repaint requires the payware WACO 'F' series from Golden Age Simulations. by lifejogger (2008-05-01 21:13:22)
  2. L

    WACO UPF-7 NC39738.zip 2024-07-07

    Textures for Tim Conrad's WACO UPF-7 (wacoupf7.zip).These textures are based on the real aircraft NC39738. by lifejogger (2008-03-28 14:46:44)
  3. L

    WACO UPF-7 F-AZLC.zip 2024-07-07

    Textures for Tim Conrad's WACO UPF-7 (wacoupf7.zip).These textures are based on the French aircraft F-AZLC. by lifejogger (2008-03-17 20:12:11)
  4. jankees

    Alabeo Waco VH-ONY 2012-09-06

    This folder contains a repaint for the Alabeo WACO YMF5 in the colors of VH-ONY, a Waco based in South Australia. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the blank textures by Alabeo.
  5. jankees

    Alabeo Waco F-AZLC 2012-09-08

    This folder contains a repaint for the Alabeo WACO YMF5 in the colors of F-AZLC, a 1941 built Waco UPF-7, currently based in St.Dizier in France. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the blank textures by Alabeo.
  6. jankees

    Alabeo Waco ZK-WAC 2012-09-08

    This folder contains a repaint for the Alabeo WACO YMF5 in the colors of ZK-WAC, an imaginary 'all black' New Zealand paint scheme. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the blank textures by Alabeo.
  7. jankees

    Alabeo Waco NC26636 2012-09-09

    This folder contains a repaint for the Alabeo WACO YMF5 in the imaginary colors of NC26636, loosely based on a Waco of the USAAF Observer Corps. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the blank textures by Alabeo.
  8. jankees

    Alabeo Waco NC809N Texaco 2012-09-09

    This folder contains a repaint for the Alabeo WACO YMF5 in the imaginary colors of NC809N, loosely based on Waco's that were used by Texaco in the '30s. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the blank textures by Alabeo.
  9. jankees

    Alabeo Waco NR46M 2012-09-14

    This folder contains a repaint for the Alabeo WACO YMF5 in the imaginary colors of NR46M, loosely based on the Waco Taperwings that were used by Northwest Airways on the mail routes in the US around 1929. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the blank textures by Alabeo.
  10. jankees

    Alabeo Waco N39721 Conch Air Force 2012-09-16

    This folder contains a repaint for the Alabeo WACO YMF5 in the colors of Waco UPF-7 N39721, currently flying with the Conch republic Air Force, based in Key West. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the blank textures by Alabeo.
  11. jankees

    Alabeo Waco NC357 Coastal Ellis 2012-10-05

    This folder contains a repaint for the Alabeo WACO YMF5 in the colors of NC357, an imaginary 'Alaska Coastal Ellis Airways' paint scheme. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the blank textures by Alabeo.
  12. jankees

    Alabeo Waco G-WOCO 2013-07-24

    This folder contains a repaint for the Alabeo WACO YMF5 in the colors of G-WOCO, a Waco based in the UK. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the blank textures by Alabeo.
  13. jankees

    Alabeo Waco N24D 2013-09-01

    This folder contains a repaint for the Alabeo WACO YMF5 in the colors of N24D, a Waco based in Pennsylvania, USA. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the blank textures by Alabeo.
  14. jankees

    Waco YMF-5 G-WOCO 2024-05-09

    This folder contains a repaint for the Waco YMF-5 for MSFS2020 by Carenado. It shows G-WOCO, a Waco based in the UK. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the textures by Carenado.
  15. Mick

    WACO UPF-7 Blue & Yellow Panel Bitmap.zip 2024-05-06

    A blue and yellow panel bitmap to use with the blue and yellow paint and the Army Air Corps repaint of Piglet's Waco UPF-7. This is only a bitmap, not a complete panel. by Mick (2006-07-23 15:49:13)
  16. P

    WACO UPF-7 Biplane 2024-05-06

    FSX rebuild of my Waco UPF-7 to FSX SP2 SDK. Not tested in Vista/DX10. by piglet (2008-01-07 22:49:40)
  17. jankees

    Waco YMF-5 NC809N Texaco 2024-04-29

    This folder contains a repaint for the Waco YMF-5 for MSFS2020 by Carenado. It shows NC809N, loosely based on Waco's that were used by Texaco in the '30s. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the textures by Carenado.
  18. jankees

    Waco YMF-5 NR46M US Mail 2024-04-29

    This folder contains a repaint for the Waco YMF-5 for MSFS2020 by Carenado. It shows NR46M, loosely based on the Waco Taperwings that were used by Northworst Airways on the mail routes in the US around 1929. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the textures by Carenado.
  19. jankees

    Waco YMF-5 F-AZLC 2024-04-29

    This folder contains a repaint for the Waco YMF-5 for MSFS2020 by Carenado. It shows F-AZLC, in reality a 1941 built Waco UPF-7, currently based in St.Dizier in France. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the textures by Carenado.
  20. jankees

    Waco YMF-5 N39721 Conch Republic Air Force 2024-04-29

    This folder contains a repaint for the Waco YMF-5 for MSFS2020 by Carenado. It shows N39721, in reality a UPF-7 currently flying with the Conch republic Air Force, based in Key West. Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the textures by Carenado.