“WF TBF Avenger VT-19”


Hi, hoping someone can help an old man here, I am looking for the following file by Wolfi “WF TBF Avenger VT-19” so I can get the panel gauges for all repaints that Uncle TGT has been doing. I Have set them up for FS2004 using the VT-2 file but all the aircraft reference the first of the series which I don't see up here. Any help is greatly appreciated as this old aircraft really does hold up quite well today and in FS2004...
As an other nearly as old man I advise you to spend a few minutes to find out how the search function works in the library. As quick search on Avenger and the username wolfi will bring you the model (4th from the top).
The screenshot took me more time.


As an other nearly as old man I advise you to spend a few minutes to find out how the search function works in the library. As quick search on Avenger and the username wolfi will bring you the model (4th from the top).
The screenshot took me more time.



Thanks for the file location, but please don't presume I don't know how the search works. I'm sure 100% of the people do not find 100% of what they are searching for 100% of the time....
I'm sure Huub wasn't being presumptuous, but was leading by example of the forum mantra (which can be found right above the forums on their home page)

Let Being Helpful Be More Important Than Being Right!
Sorry if I sounded a bit grumpy, it was not intentional. The search function in our library might not be the most user-friendly one, but when used in the proper way, it often bring what you are looking for.

WF TBF Avenger VT-19

I'm sure Huub wasn't being presumptuous, but was leading by example of the forum mantra (which can be found right above the forums on their home page)

Yes, you are right. Besides, I can't argue with a man who has a Lego for an Avatar... (Really, I mean that, I was the original Lego Maniac :))
WF TBF Avenger VT-19

Sorry if I sounded a bit grumpy, it was not intentional. The search function in our library might not be the most user-friendly one, but when used in the proper way, it often bring what you are looking for.


I was a little frustrated because doing all my searches I think I over complicated things..... and the file name itself I searched for is actually inside another archive with a slightly different name. But hey, I did find and download a ton of other avengers and with a little work works pretty darn well in FS2004...
No problem, lets look at our library in a positive way... Especially with this search tool it is full of surprises. :biggrin-new:

Desert Rat, you must have been waiting impatiently for an opportunity to post this movie :jump:

To get off topic again..... :costumed-smiley-034

UncleTgt, I wish your Solomons scenery could be used in FS9... .:engel016: looks really nice!
