
Just got a 1Gb update from the Xbox store.
I've had a look on the MSFS forum but nobody seems to know what it fixed.

it has since been articulated - the fix for WASM and RTC - the problem that caused MFD's to be dark if you let the 'real time cinematics' scene play through before hitting the 'ready to fly' button

1.15.8 Hotfix is Available! - Community / General Discussion - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

apparently the bug that causes your flight controls to reset at 50% when you exit to the menu screen and return to your flight has NOT been addressed by this patch...
What are WASM and RTC ? I have the cinematic turned off anyway so I probably wasn't affected anyway.
I set all my controls through FSUIPC so I'm not affected by that either.
I'm surprised you guy got a 1 GB update to download.
On Steam, I got something that was maybe around 200 MB yesterday night ? Or is there anything additional to download from inside the sim ?
I'm surprised you guy got a 1 GB update to download.
On Steam, I got something that was maybe around 200 MB yesterday night ? Or is there anything additional to download from inside the sim ?

Same here, and nothing in Marketplace nor content manager.

I just got an 1Gb update which resulted in all my settings going back to default...grrr
I got so annoyed I broke my joystick in frustration...oups..
Just checked the Store and found mine updated "Minutes ago" to - started sim and nothing else to d/l. Must have just been a few core files. I did find one update available in my Content manager - that was the free Paderborn addon that's offered in the Marketplace.
The Paderborn addon is the only other thing I had to download too.

I do have one odd thing that's happened since the update. All the files in my community folder are showing as not installed in the content manager.
I don't get an install button to click if I select them either.

They do work just fine though so I dont know whats up with that.
The Paderborn addon is the only other thing I had to download too.

I do have one odd thing that's happened since the update. All the files in my community folder are showing as not installed in the content manager.
I don't get an install button to click if I select them either.

They do work just fine though so I dont know whats up with that.

I'm seeing the same. All the "Not Installed" items are the things in the community folder. They are, of course, still installed and work fine. I did the usual "rename the community folder to..." before installing the update. Tried restarting the sim with an empty community folder, then adding things back in, one by one. They all still show up here as "not Installed".
Yeah, the "not installed" thing is a new bug in this update. Doesn't hurt anything's functionality.
The " not installed" thing I noticed right away and reported here. Then there's the permissions issues associated with the Community Folder. I'm one of those MS Store users who can delete, but not copy anything from the Community folder (CF). I don't have "permission". Searching for a fix came up empty handed.

One thing I came across is a cool utility called MSFS Addons Linker. This utility basically allows me to create a folder outside of the CF to install addons into, and then I link to them leaving the CF empty for future updates. A cool feature is that I can create preset "scenarios" and load only what I want to use near my base which probably helps with processing.

It's very intuitive and I would recommend it for, avoiding the 'permission' issues, and staying organized. Here is the link if you're interested,

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Fnerg, I'm going to take a guess that you installed MSFS to the default location which would put it in a protected system folder.

Thats been a long time bug from FSX and the old advice is to install to a custom location preferably on another drive.
Asobo probably originally programed it so that wouldn't be a problem but the latest update broke it.

My MSFS is on my D drive and I don't have any problem editing or moving file in it.
I use Addons Linker and it is awesome! Over 50k downloads of it so far, and it works great! :encouragement: NC

The " not installed" thing I noticed right away and reported here. Then there's the permissions issues associated with the Community Folder. I'm one of those MS Store users who can delete, but not copy anything from the Community folder (CF). I don't have "permission". Searching for a fix came up empty handed.

One thing I came across is a cool utility called MSFS Addons Linker. This utility basically allows me to create a folder outside of the CF to install addons into, and then I link to them leaving the CF empty for future updates. A cool feature is that I can create preset "scenarios" and load only what I want to use near my base which probably helps with processing.

It's very intuitive and I would recommend it for, avoiding the 'permission' issues, and staying organized. Here is the link if you're interested,

Fnerg, I'm going to take a guess that you installed MSFS to the default location which would put it in a protected system folder.

Thats been a long time bug from FSX and the old advice is to install to a custom location preferably on another drive.
Asobo probably originally programed it so that wouldn't be a problem but the latest update broke it.

My MSFS is on my D drive and I don't have any problem editing or moving file in it.

No, I have a dedicated SSD drive in my system for the sim. Just the scenery cache alone would eat up all the space on the default C. I have been skirting around MS control all my flightsim life, I know this all too well. Addons Linker is the perfect solution.

You can also install the Flight Simulator data folder on the same drive as the sim, but just create a new folder in the root. My Community and OneStore folders are in F:\Flight_Simulator. (But I use MSFS Addons Linker as well -- amazing app!)