1.2 Missioni dell'italiano dell'aggiornamento


Charter Member 2011
Amici dell'italiano di buona mattina. Per la prima volta nell'aggiornamento 1.2 includeremo parecchie missioni italiane del giocatore con l'istruzione scritta in italiano.
Invierò oggi un testo di missione del campione un certo tempo.
Driver di riguardi
migliori O-1

Good morning Italian friends. For the first time in the 1.2 update we will be including several Italian player missions with the briefing written in Italian.
I will be posting a sample mission text some time today.
Best Regards
O-1 Driver
you are very welcome O-1!
thks for all your (yours and the team) efforts indeed and to bring new life to this beautiful sim!
best regards, gianluca
Many thanks for your attention to an often forgotten branch of the WW2 air war, just one thing, You would look for a better italian teacher .....as I should have to do for my english lol.
Jocking apart, if You need some translation from english to italian I should be glad to help You and the Team.
Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying.
Cristiano "Astore"
Many thanks for your attention to an often forgotten branch of the WW2 air war, just one thing, You would look for a better italian teacher .....as I should have to do for my english lol.
Jocking apart, if You need some translation from english to italian I should be glad to help You and the Team.
Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying.
Cristiano "Astore"


I just sent you a PM with my email address. If you will send me yours I will forward the missions to you as they are ready for translation. If you would then return them to me and we will include them in the 1.2 update.

You will need to edit the mission in notepad because you will not have the aircraft, vehicles and the new airfields in their proper locations.

The first mission is based in June 1940 and English Swordfish based in Southern France are attacking an Italian Munitions train along the coast. You and your wingmen must takeoff and intercept the attacking aircraft before they destroy the train.

Other missions will involve attcks on French airfields across the border in to France and some based in Italy for attacks on French facilities on Corsica.

Thanks for your help.

Best Regards
