1.2 MP - Mismatched Aircraft error again



1.2 MP - Mismatched Aircraft error again - Vista 64

Just tried SittingDuck's game, connects instantly and gives a plane mismatch. When Deadmeat had his server up (using the CFS3.exe) I connected no problem. I'll try that on SD's but I had hoped this was over..

Nope. Tried killing OFFManager and running in on cfs3.exe and same results, mismatched aircraft.


assume your are patched to 1.2,,,,,,but what aircraft? all?

assume your are patched to 1.2,,,,,,but what aircraft? all?

Yes to 1.2, same error as before (1.1) and I believe it is all the aircraft you have allowed. I can try hosting here and see if you can connect if you like. I'm on TS now.
Yes to 1.2, same error as before (1.1) and I believe it is all the aircraft you have allowed. I can try hosting here and see if you can connect if you like. I'm on TS now.

Are you using Vista OS?


hmmm,,,i cant,,,,im at work and cant stop right now.....i can in maybe 40 mins,,,but gotta finish what i am doing...
If you have Vista yes it has a mismatch error.

It's because the name CFS3.exe is recognised by Vista in some way. We will have work out how to get around this and will require some changes in the manager.
Yes to Winder and Polovski, Vista 64 Ultimate with UAC disabled (actually on "quiet" mode)..

sorry,,,,dont think u saw my posts,,,im back in the game right now,,,can stay for a little bit

will watch the tac,,,to see if anyone has joined in
Ok.. copied cfs3.exe to my c:\Hold folder, renamed it MultiCFS3.exe, copied it back to the \CFSWWW1 folder and ran it. Went directly to Multiplayer and I got right in to Duck's game. Duck was up at 13-14K so I got bored and left but it seemed to work fine. If it's the "cfs3.exe" that is causing the issue I would guess that havine the OffManager call the "multicfs3.exe might work but it's just a guess. I would also assume that running it the way I am I would be getting P2 AI in an online mission? Would that just be if I hosted?

Going to hop back in, on Duck's TS if you want to chat..
Yes to Winder and Polovski, Vista 64 Ultimate with UAC disabled (actually on "quiet" mode)..

O.K I hope to have a fix for Vista mis-match errors in about a week or so.
Its a CFS3 issue.

I joined SittingDucks game with no problem. I'm running XP.
cheers GB
The original VISTA multiplayer post...

Yes, it's again the CFS3.exe name. For OFF Phase 3, you need to make a copy of that CFS3.exe and rename it to something like Shell.exe, cfs3vista.exe, cfs3mp.exe, whale.exe, etc. other than cfs3.exe.

Here the original post for VISTA multiplayer issue for the orignal Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3:

Yep, created a copy and renamed it Multicfs3.exe and it works fine but OffManager isn't running so not sure what anomalies that is causing.
I tried a test connection yesterday with a buddy of mine. It was Vista 32 to Vista 32. It worked fine through the manager with both of us hosting, no mismatches, no workarounds, everything through the manager. However, if you disconnected, you could not connect again to the same IP, unless the host rebooted his modem and got another IP (we both have dynamic IPs). Otherwise, it worked OK, bar the native CFS3 lag issue even though we live very close.

The disconnect issue is something that I faced also in the past with Vista in all CFS3 based mods. Does anyone with Vista ever have experienced this?