1.5 ankor-gecko expansion... trouble


Charter Member
I have display problems with the update 1.5 ankor-gecko ....
when (the Shine and Shader) is enabled, it appears in my cockpit mountains and the sea disappears ...
j'ai des troubles d'affichage avec la mise a jour 1.5 ankor-gecko....
quand le (the Shine and Shader ) est activé, il apparait des montagnes dans mon cockpit et la mer disparait...
If I understand correctly you should turn off "Dual Pass Render" in Overrides section of cfs3config.exe
in cfs3 configuration
i have

safest settings

default settings

custom settings

change display option

I tried everything I think, but it does not rule my problem ...
if I disables the program by pressing the 0 key on the keypad, the disorder disappears .... but I do not take this job ....
The setting you want is found in custom settings, "dual pass render" box should not be checked.
Look a little closer, brundu841:–




thank you a thousand (hairyspin), it's the best explanation ....: Wavey:

it's a great job ...ankor and gecko...............!!!: Applause: