10 Missions completed 11 claims with 7 confirmed.



Dieter "The Demon" Klaus is my most successful pilot to date. He flown 10 missions with Jasta 2. He has 11 claims of which 4 where denied. With 7 victories to date he is the 3 leading ace in the squadron. He's been a luck pilot as he's been shotdown once on a scramble mission - landed safely; and survived a collison on take off with a squadron mate (spent 17 days in the hospital after that one). His Albatros DII a wonderfully deadly bird, speed and firepower with enough manuverability to be dangerous. I'm hoping he makes the 17 hour make he has 8.53 hour of flight time now.

Dieter flies with 100% Realism on man it get scary at times.:wave:
Dieter "The Demon" Klaus is my most successful pilot to date. He flown 10 missions with Jasta 2. He has 11 claims of which 4 where denied. With 7 victories to date he is the 3 leading ace in the squadron. He's been a luck pilot as he's been shotdown once on a scramble mission - landed safely; and survived a collison on take off with a squadron mate (spent 17 days in the hospital after that one). His Albatros DII a wonderfully deadly bird, speed and firepower with enough manuverability to be dangerous. I'm hoping he makes the 17 hour make he has 8.53 hour of flight time now.

Dieter flies with 100% Realism on man it get scary at times.:wave:


Are you finding it too easy?


It seems that the big successes I have read about on the forum have come in the Albatros DII. Congratulations !!! Sounds like a great career
Good job....if it ever feels to easy then switch over to flying the Spad with the Americans. I have a pilot now with 18 hours and 3 confirmed out of 4, and have been shot down twice. 110realism with no aides(Tac, Hud, messages all turned off) All of the confirmed are DVIIs, which is a nightmare to fly against, and everytime I bring one down I feel like I need a shower and a smoke.....I can't believe those men did this for real and retained their sanity.
This is still early and the Alb DII is one of the best fighters during this time period. I'm flying with 1 of the 2 best Jastas in the German airforce. I believe whole heartedly the enemies I've downed have been newbies. One mission was a 4 victory romp and I got 2 kills that other had worked over but the claims ended in my log. He had one fight with a Nue11 in which he poured almost 800 rounds :gossip: at this fellow before the victory we claimed.

Dieter is my 8th pilot and the 1st to see real success. I'm a very experience cyber pilot and I know that helps; I'm also an exceptional deflection shooter not boosting just stating a fact. As to the the question of ease no it's not to easy Dieter has had a huge run of luck and made the most these encounters. This is still the happy time for Hun the bloodly horror filled days of the spring of 1917 are coming.
I hope to have a carreer like that with my current pilot in an EIII. 5 flights thus far. At 100%
With an Eindecker, the flying itself is already difficult enough - you may not need dogfights to keep yourself busy (Lol!)

Today, I had a wonderful flight with a new pilot, with an Albatros D Va; in January 1918. My neighbour/friend/wingman came over; we thought, one flight each - the other watching and learning.
My flight was to protect a friendly airfield; we were 4 planes. Not yet there, I saw 4 Camels flying very low (wish they did that more often). I ordered attack, and - whoosh! - down we went. The first had no chance at all, I came down on him like an eagle, and ripped him to shreds.
Then it became more tricky to keep situational awarenes. But I climbed, as soon as I was free, and dived in again. Within less than 15 minutes, I had shot up three. The fourth must have been downed by my men.
The third became a victim of rage. I had badly shot him up, and it looked, as if he was going to land. So I let him behind me - big mistake. He climbed again and shot at me; even hitting me! After that, I made sure (with 180 rounds) that he'll never try that again.
But it cost us two comrades - something I'll try to avoid in future (but don't know, how, really. When I fight, im very busy.)
After that short combat, my hands were almost shaking, and I had to dry them on my jeans.
Nice going in the Eindecker thats a hard crate to dogfight in. Shallow turns, flat rudder turns, nasty side slips, and low power. Great job. My best deceased pilot in the E flow 6 mission and claimed 3 kills all confirmed. He died dogfighting Nues, death spiral into the ground the dog just wouldn't recover.
Yes it is hard enough to fly. You must not lose concentration during the long uneventful stretches at 1:00am. And just 2 miles out from the home field hehe, gosh I was nearly frantic. I was so happy to land safely, encountered no E/A but still was on the edge of my seat, well part of the time anyway.