141 Serrate Sqdn skins


I am reading "Confounding the Reich" which starts with stories of 141 serrate sqdn flying Beaufighter 1F's (Jun 1941 - Jun 1943) and VIF's (May 1943 - Jan 1944) then Mossie II's (Nov 1943 - Aug 1944) and VI's (Aug 1944 - Apr 1945)

See http://www.rafweb.org/SqnMark141-144.htm#141

Anyone willing to do some skins (pref to ETO standards) for the 3gb_Beaufighter_Mk1(NF) and ?3gb_Beaufighter_Mk_6F as well as the nearest equiv. Mossie ( I don't think they have theserrate radar on them?)
I am reading "Confounding the Reich" which starts with stories of 141 serrate sqdn flying Beaufighter 1F's (Jun 1941 - Jun 1943) and VIF's (May 1943 - Jan 1944) then Mossie II's (Nov 1943 - Aug 1944) and VI's (Aug 1944 - Apr 1945)

See http://www.rafweb.org/SqnMark141-144.htm#141

Anyone willing to do some skins (pref to ETO standards) for the 3gb_Beaufighter_Mk1(NF) and ?3gb_Beaufighter_Mk_6F as well as the nearest equiv. Mossie ( I don't think they have theserrate radar on them?)

Good to see you here! School must be out!
Hi James,

I can have a look at the beaufighter skins for you, if you like.

regards Rob.

That would be great! I don't suppose the original designers wouls allow stand alones??

Ted! Not yet! This w/e; Hurray:friday:

BTW does anyone know what happened to the mossie designs which were being done??
Beaus project aint it?????....say Moon these beaufighters/ mossies are they nightflyers???


Hi ronny,

Yep night flyers they are, Beaufighters is were Cuningham and Rawmsley really started to have success and then moved onto Mossies.

if you can find the book called Night Fighter by John Rawnsley (Cunninghams radar op) it will give you great insight into the allied nightfighter operations.

James, Standalones shouldnt be a problem, I have permission to use the planes for ETO in anyway we wish. we dont currently have a night fighter rendition. :)

regards Rob.
Nightfighters...Mosquito...139 PFF Squadron in Upwood (Jamaica Squadron)....Erik Hazelfhoff Roelfzema....NEK....Pilot to choose....

hint hint hint hint hint

There is a Jamaica s/a a/c by jaycee

This is a stand alone of the stock Mosquito mkiv made by jaycee as a result of a request by me. All thanks to him.

I wanted a mkix mosquito as 139 "Jamaica" Sqdn flew in late 1943 but none with a clear nose is available at the moment in CFS3.

Infprmation on 139 Sqn can be got at


Extract all to a tep file and then drag or copy to your CSS3 aircraft file.


If you want to make either a new skin for the Mudpond ac which has a better FM then you need to use the s.dds and t.dds files from here. Then do the same as you would for making any stand alone. Refer either to my tutorial at SOH or ndickis which are in all his Uploads.

The mp a/c is in ETO so the skin could be transferred to that to make a s/a a/c.
Hi ronny,

Yep night flyers they are, Beaufighters is were Cuningham and Rawmsley really started to have success and then moved onto Mossies.

if you can find the book called Night Fighter by John Rawnsley (Cunninghams radar op) it will give you great insight into the allied nightfighter operations.

James, Standalones shouldnt be a problem, I have permission to use the planes for ETO in anyway we wish. we dont currently have a night fighter rendition. :)

regards Rob.

I haven't found the number yet but 'Bob" Braham was the 141 sqdn ace IIRC.
Hi James,

Thanks for the links, I'll start getting together the info and then confirm with you before doing the skin, so we end up with exactly what your looking for.

regards Rob.
Nightfighters...Mosquito...139 PFF Squadron in Upwood (Jamaica Squadron)....Erik Hazelfhoff Roelfzema....NEK....Pilot to choose....

hint hint hint hint hint


Hi Ton,

Thats an easy request for me mate, I have already included this pilot in the current version of ETO. :)

If you go to the Net tab in the pilot menu, you will see him in there along with another great Dutch pilot.

EDIT, after rereading your post I think you meant that hes in the pilot list already and it would be great to have a plane for him to fly, rather than asking asking me to include him in the pilot list, if so I agree, lets get a plane for him :)

regards Rob.
I know, that's why I think it would be great to have his aircraft in the game. If I'm correct he mentions the callsign of his aircraft in his boek "Soldaat van Oranje", have to look for it. It's a well written book, and from time to time very funny with some bizar details: he was decorated the Militaire Willemsorde 4e klas for bravoury (landing on the Dutch coast to bring secret agents on land, often in front of the Kriegsmarine's headquarters in Scheveningen) which is the highest Dutch wardecoration and only given to a very few men. At the end of the war he was Queen Wilhelmina's adjudant. When just after the war ended Dutch generals, taken POW in 1940, came to the queen for new orders they had to salute him, (because he wore the Willemsorde) even when he was much lower in rank

He joined 139 sqn in june 1944 (if I'm correct) and flew about 72 sorties before he became adjudant of the queen. I'm not sure which subtype of Mosquito he flew, because on the site James mentions it's said 139 sqn flew several subtypes at the same time.


PS: Dutch wiki has recently updated Van der Stok's bio, http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bram_van_der_Stok, do you want me to translate it for the NEK???
I know, that's why I think it would be great to have his aircraft in the game. If I'm correct he mentions the callsign of his aircraft in his boek "Soldaat van Oranje", have to look for it. It's a well written book, and from time to time very funny with some bizar details: he was decorated the Militaire Willemsorde 4e klas for bravoury (landing on the Dutch coast to bring secret agents on land, often in front of the Kriegsmarine's headquarters in Scheveningen) which is the highest Dutch wardecoration and only given to a very few men. At the end of the war he was Queen Wilhelmina's adjudant. When just after the war ended Dutch generals, taken POW in 1940, came to the queen for new orders they had to salute him, (because he wore the Willemsorde) even when he was much lower in rank

He joined 139 sqn in june 1944 (if I'm correct) and flew about 72 sorties before he became adjudant of the queen. I'm not sure which subtype of Mosquito he flew, because on the site James mentions it's said 139 sqn flew several subtypes at the same time.


PS: Dutch wiki has recently updated Van der Stok's bio, http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bram_van_der_Stok, do you want me to translate it for the NEK???

Hi Ton,

that wold be great, I can then ammend the country.xml file for the march update. there is a word limit on how big a description can be for a given biography, but we can edit were required if it does go over.

thanks, regards Rob.