15t- 16th. September BoB Day; Night.


The daytime of the 15th September may have been a bad day for the Luftwaffe's Kampfgeschwaderen, but the night was still pretty safe from very weak RAF night fighter efforts. That night 181 German bombers attacked London from 21:00 and 05:20 hrs, dropping 224 tons of HE and incendiary bombs. Fires were still burning from the day time. The bombers came in long separated 'crocodile' formations, or rather lack of formation;they were well spread apart at different altitudes so one aircraft could be alone in many mile of space. Later bombers as in this mission saw more fires from earlier night time bombs. I have found no unit details of these raids son they are not accurate as to units involved.

This is the first of many missions covering the Blitz, RAF night fighter actions, Bomber Command, the Luftwaffe Nachtjagd incuding NJG intruder missions, for the period from September 1940 to June 1942; the period for the upcoming TOW Era 1 install.

He111 taking off from Fligherhorst Montdidier.


Bomb sight view.


London burning!

Planned Blitz and RAF NF missions

Blitz Missions


17-18 Aug 29 Blenheim see "No place for Chivalry' (NpfC) p66-7

24-5 Aug 29 Blen see NpfC p68​

28-29 Aug Liverpool 160 bombers see Blitz on Britain (BloB) p 92

7-8 Sept London 318 bombers see BloB p 92​

15-16 Sept London 181 bombers see(BloB) p185

2 Oct 151 Hurricane see ‘No Place for Chivalry’ (NpfC) p42​

15-16 Oct London 400 bombers see BloB p100 & 103 ‘crocodiles’​

1-2 Nov London see Luftwaff’s Blitz (LWBl) p213​

14-15 Nov Coventry 449 bombers see BlOB p 103 and LWBl p215 and 249​

17-18 Nov Southampton see LWBl p216​

19-20 Nov Birmingham see LWBl p217 BloB p103 RAF NF​

24-25 Bristol see LWBl p218​

5-6 Dec Potrsmouth see LWBl p221​

12-13 Dec Sheffield see LWBl p223​

22-23 Dec Manchester see LWBl p224​

Jan 15-16 151 NpfC p47 ref LWBl p228​

Feb 4-5 151 Def NpfC p47-8 ref LWBl p 229​

12-13 March Liverpool 339 bombers see BloB p116 inc RAF NFs​

13-14 March 29 Beau NpfC p 78-9 ref LWBl 233​

14-15 March 29 Beau NpfC p 79-80 ref LWBl 234​

ref NJ intruders 29 Beau NpfC p 81​

18-19 March Hull see LWBl p235​

8-9 April 151 Def NpfC p 53 ref LWBl p238​

9-10 April 151 Def NpfC p53-4 ref LWBl p238​

9-10 April 25 Beaus NpfC p104 vs intruder​

10-11 April 151 Def NpfC p55-6 ref LWBl p 238​

4-5 May 25 Beau NPfC106 ref LWBl p243​

7-8 May 25 Beau NPfC109 ref LWBl p244​

8-9 May 151 Def NpfC p58-9 ref LWBl p244​

10-11 May 151 Def NpfC 559-60 ref below​

10 May London 541 bombers see BloB p124​

13-14 June 25 Beau vs intruder NpfC p120​


9-10 April 25 Beaus NpfC p104 vs intruder
Planned BC and NJG missions

BC and NJ Missions TOW Era 1

23-24 Sept Berlin 'Bomber Command War Diaries' (BCWD) p85

30Sept-1 Oct NJG1 'Nachjagd War Diaries' (NJWD)p20

16-17 Dec Mannheim BCWD p111​


12-13 March Hamburg BCWD p134 Manchesters and NJWD p29​

13-14 March Hamburg BCWD p134 Manchesters and NJWD p29​

17-18 March Bremen BCWD p 136 Stirling and intruders and NJWD p30​

30-31 March Brest BCWD p139 Manchesters​

7-8 April Kiel BCWD p142 Stirlings and and NJWD p31​

8-9 April Kiel BCWD p142 both and intruders and NJWD p31​

9-10 April NJWD p32 ref BCWD p143

10-11 April Brest BCWD p143 Manchesters​

8-9 May Hamburg BCWD p152 both and NJWD p36​

27-28 June Bremen BCWD p168 NJ success and NJWD p42​

29-30 June Hamburg BCWD p169 both + and NJWD p44​

7-8 Sept Berlin BCWD p200 both and NJWD p57-8​


3-4 March Renault Factory BCWD p244-5 both​

8-9 March Essen BCWD p246 both + Halifax and NJWD p74-5​

28-9 March Lubeck BCWD p251 both and NJWD p79​

30-31 May Cologne 1000 bomber BCWD p271-3 and NJWD p88-9​

1-2 June Essen 1k 30-31 BCWD p274 and NJWD p90-3​

6-7 June Emden BCWD p276 and NJWD p95​

25-6 June Bremen 1K BCWD p280-81 and NJWD p98-100​

28-29 July NJWD p107-8 ref BCWD p290-1​

31Jul/1 Aug Dusseldorf BCWD p292 and NJWD p109-111