Right, Captain Scott, speed is a great advantage. Solidity of the plane is another. So, I managed to survive a scramble with 6 Albatros against 6 - 8 Camels falling vertically out of a cloud, firing. It was sheer hell, and I had to repeat it twice to be honest, till I realised, from where they came. The solidity of my plane made it last long enough to survive, and I managed to shoot 3 of them down, before ammo was out. Only one escaped. When I have to intrude enemy territory, I climb up to 6.000, as the Camels always seem to have advantage in height. That gives me at least quite some way for a dive escape (not too steep though with an Alb !)
I only got Phase 2 recently, and only since four days, I can fly campaigns (thanks again, Gimpyguy & ToBeOrNot), running a high resolution, and I must say, it is absolutely the challenging best I have seen so far. I hardly dare to imagine, how "real" Phase 3 will finally be ?