18 August Hardest Day


I have decided to take this day on which involved 3 main raids. I so far am still on the first big one; Kenley, Biggin Hill, and West Malling which was an alternative target. I would say there were over 600 aircraft involved but I know I must have, or will have several 100 in the missions for this first big raid!:dizzy: Just doing some initial testing. I am basing the details on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34KxPpoq7iU&list=PL2p3IWVkKAq_eXBJAJVZD2zHJE2aKRJZG&index=7&t=368s and the hardest thing of course is co ordinate all the flights.In many ways spawns are of less use in this case; so far only use one for RAF 111 Squadron, as the action was in such a condensed area with many different participants, and I wanted to keep the chronology as close to historical reality as possible. Not that I will succeed! The other good thing is that with all the flights involved it is easier to switch the player formation from one to another.

This is going to take a long time and may extend to over 20 missions for all 3 raids. So far only working on 3 LW parts of the first raid.

18 August Hardest Day IX KG76 Kenley. This Gruppe was meant to be the last of a 3 pronnged attack on Kenley but ended up being the firat. See the video.

They were were a specialist unit and were flying at low level without escort.


Only one RAF Squadron saw them coming. 111 Hurricanes from Croydon. IX./KG76 did bomb but were bounced by the Hurricanes!



18 August Hardest Day II KG76 West Malling

These JU 88's were the last to arrive at Kenley and there was too much smoke from the Do17 gruppen to see the target so they went to West Malling as the secondary

II./KG 76 Ju 88's following Do17s of other gruppen. Bf110's and 109's were close escorts for all the gruppen.


The Fighter sweep aircraft can be seen above!


On the way to the alternative target of West Malling, the He111;s of KGI are seen above on their way to Biggin Hill!
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18 August Hardest Day KGI Biggin Hill
missions for
The whole KG I on their way to Biggin Hill! More to follow as I still have to finish player mission versions for KG 76 Do17's, the escorts, Fighter sweeps, and all the RAF responses!

Spectactular stuff! Love the idea of recreating big days and/or famous raids from the Battle, like the historical missions included in BoB2!
Impressive James! I'll be running through your missions once the nights start drawing in again.

The scenery is looking good for it's age, I'm still far from happy with the urban bits. Frosty's ground texture for Kenley is awesome!
Impressive James! I'll be running through your missions once the nights start drawing in again.

The scenery is looking good for it's age, I'm still far from happy with the urban bits. Frosty's ground texture for Kenley is awesome!

Yeah the urban bits are bad IMHO! I haven't compared with WOTR but if much better we will have to give a readme on how to incorporate anything IF of course one has WOTR.
Yeah the urban bits are bad IMHO! I haven't compared with WOTR but if much better we will have to give a readme on how to incorporate anything IF of course one has WOTR.

As for scenery and overall quality, there is no CFS3 mod that compares to WOTR imho. The only bad thing about WOTR is the difficulty of adding aircraft to it yourself.

But (also imho) the ultimate ETO combat sim available is Il-2 CloD Blitz.

Hi Priller.
On the to do list are better urban areas, WoTR have sorted out the scenery models which are way better than stock, I'm looking to do the same, one day. Clod is very impressive but as good as their scenery is, it doesn't look much like England to my eyes. Either way we're all aiming for the same goal, a realistic interpretation of the Battle of Britain. The advantage of cfs3 is its open-ness, we can and will endeavour to improve it in the years we have left to us!

These things are a matter of taste!

I think the urban textures in the BoB mod are actually quite good, much better than those the ETO mod - they look just like terraced housing, which is probably the best choice for the theatre and period, and give a good appearance of having depth. The rural textures are also pretty good for England in the days before 'industrial' farming.

I prefer both BoB mod and ETO rural textures to the WotR terrain textures - which use a rather dark, blue-tinted 'Google Earth Green' for grass textures and have an excessive 'patchwork quilt' effect, as they contrast too strongly with the cornfields.

The terrain in the recent pics of the new Spitfire V look to me to be about the most realistic I've seen in CFS3, but the current BoB mod isn't far behind them.

I absolutely can't agree that CloD Blitz is the best ETO combat flight sim. It's one of the worst for Single Player content, anti-aliasing is poor, shoreline transitions are poor, the 'pop-up' rendering of structures like the quays and breakwaters at ports is horrible, RAF spinners look like they have been heavily varnished, and while R/T traffic is present, it's riddled with horrible Top Gun-isms like 'I'll fly your wing'.
Hi Priller.
On the to do list are better urban areas, WoTR have sorted out the scenery models which are way better than stock, I'm looking to do the same, one day. Clod is very impressive but as good as their scenery is, it doesn't look much like England to my eyes. Either way we're all aiming for the same goal, a realistic interpretation of the Battle of Britain. The advantage of cfs3 is its open-ness, we can and will endeavour to improve it in the years we have left to us!


Hi Clive,

I still got my CFS3 install disks standing by and I'm very curious what you people will come up with. Just hoping that it will be a single installer or package that will be hassle free. Lord knows that this isn't the case with BoB or the ETO mod.

I do agree that CFS3 is the ultimate "get into the plane and shoot up stuff" combat sim available.

BTW, I was just voicing an opinion. Nothing personal intended.


Hi Clive,

I still got my CFS3 install disks standing by and I'm very curious what you people will come up with. Just hoping that it will be a single installer or package that will be hassle free. Lord knows that this isn't the case with BoB or the ETO mod.

I do agree that CFS3 is the ultimate "get into the plane and shoot up stuff" combat sim available.

BTW, I was just voicing an opinion. Nothing personal intended.



Hi Priller,
None taken! :0)
The next Bob release will be a single installer.

I would agree that the ETO can be a nightmare but what issues did you have with the Bob install, other than missing textures etc?

Hi Priller,
None taken! :0)
The next Bob release will be a single installer.

I would agree that the ETO can be a nightmare but what issues did you have with the Bob install, other than missing textures etc?


Hi Clive,

The BoB install gave me some headaches with missing textures and configuration/settings. It wouldn't remember them.

But I do indeed look forward to your single installer for the next version. Not wanting to be too forward, but do you have an ETA?

If it improves the textures of the vanilla CFS3.1a and adds decent looking aircraft and so forth, I'm definitely interested.

Do you have any screenshots of this version?

OK! Now have 18 RAF and LW missions just for the first raid to test! Then I can go to raid 2 which will be Ju87s and less work I think. That will only be about 70 vs. 300!