1943 Army-Navy and RAF Colors


Charter Member 2011

Here is the link to the entire book, note that many of these colors are for RAF aircraft that were being built in the United States at the time. The Dull Red for example is the red in the RAF roundel. Hope they are some help. They are also loaded on my Piper L-4 FB page.

Best Regards,

http://s1141.photobucket.com/albums/n588/L-4Pilot/Army-Navy Aircraft Standard Colors May 1943/


Very good find - thanks, Steve.

There's always been a bit of controversy about the precise shades of ANA colours, with one side exaggerating the difference between the ANA and MAP shades, and the other side effectively claiming that the difference was largely invisible. This puts an end to the debate! The ANA Sky colour is quite different from the MAP shade, for example, the MAP Mid Stone shade is slightly paler and less rich than ANA Middle Stone, and ANA Medium Green is richer and bluer than MAP Dark Green, while the other colours are largely similar.

Very useful - although skinners need to understand about scale effect, which applies to computer models just as it does to physical models - and tone down the richness and depth of the colours appropriately.

Downloaded the lot for future reference!
Very good find - thanks, Steve.

There's always been a bit of controversy about the precise shades of ANA colours, with one side exaggerating the difference between the ANA and MAP shades, and the other side effectively claiming that the difference was largely invisible. This puts an end to the debate! The ANA Sky colour is quite different from the MAP shade, for example, the MAP Mid Stone shade is slightly paler and less rich than ANA Middle Stone, and ANA Medium Green is richer and bluer than MAP Dark Green, while the other colours are largely similar.

Very useful - although skinners need to understand about scale effect, which applies to computer models just as it does to physical models - and tone down the richness and depth of the colours appropriately.

Downloaded the lot for future reference!

Thanks Nigel, I think your comments are spot on. The old O-58A I am restoring will be painted using the old Quartermaster Paint numbers that were in use in 1940 and 1941 (my O-58A was built Sept. 1941). I will be using QMS 41 Olive Drab for upper surfaces and QMS #43 Neutral Gray for undersurfaces. Also there we large stockpiles of the lighter #43 Gray and this lighter Gray was used all the way thru 1944 alongside aircraft that were painted with the darker #603 Sea Gray.

I have a friend that works for one of the AF museums and he pulled this tech order for me I thought might also be of use it is dated June 1, 1942, it mentioned the earlier tech order and carried forward the same colors as the 1940/1941 order.. I was surprised to see in this tech order the authorization as an option to use Sea Green #28 in place of #41 Olive Drab as a substitute on US aircraft when the aircraft was operated over predominately green terrain (jungles). I apologize for the poor quality but that was the best he could do coming out of the AF archives.

Best Regards,

http://s1141.photobucket.com/albums/n588/L-4Pilot/Army Tech Order 6-01-1942/