1950's and 1960's European airliners wanted


Charter Member
I have expanded my 50's\60's install to include Europe so now I am needing help with the following.

I am needing a list of European airliners from the 1950's and 1960's for my 50's to 60's installs. I am needing a list of types and some of the lesser kn own airlines. (This request also covers Canadian airlines)

any help would be greatly appreciated.
Um... you'd better go through this carefully: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=28075&page=1

(Flyables are quite often defined). My own policy is usually to build up by airline rather than type; so if you want, for example Air France in 1955, search sites like AVSIM and FlightSim.Com by using 'Air France' as your key term under 'Propliners', rather than looking for their individual aircraft. CalClassics is, it goes without saying, the very best place to begin: you can get plenty of flyables there (including European types & liveries) as well as all the AI (adjustable to early, mid & late '50s) and most of the period scenery you'll need.

Hope this is useful! :wavey:
I believe Aer Lingus (Aerlínte Éireann) had 2 Connies for a while, I'd sure like to see one of those paints.

Lets see...Viking, Viscount,Vanguard,Hs748,BAC1-11,Comet,Hermes,Herald,C4,Britannia,Carvair,Bristol Freighter,Dove,Heron (coming soon),Tudor, Trident - what more could you ask for - with the exception of the Heron all available in fs9 and most easily converted to FSX -- wheres the problem?

of course if you wish to get more eclectic - Marathon (operated by Derby Airways) Ambassador (operated by BEA,BKS,Dan Air and Autair) York (Dan Air, Sky Ways) Rapide, Miles Aerovan, there is even "what might have been" with Ashton, Apollo and Concordia (NOT the SST) there is even an Oxford (consul) which were still flying with Eagle in the early 60s.

Im sort of confused as to where the perceived shortage is?

it isn't a shortage in aircraft or liveries. It is a shortage in my knowledge of European Airlines besides the majors.