1st squadron GC I/5 Suippes may 1940


Front of the 1/5 tent : X, S/Lt Rey, Cne Accart, S/C Vuillemain, Lt Marin la Meslée (photo Accart family)

1re escadrille.jpg
So sorry, without pilots :untroubled:
Comme Andre est un grand fana de GC I/5... *

This is the aircraft used during the battle by cne Jean-Mary Accart, OC 1 Sqn GC I/5. He scored 12 confirmed and three probables before being shot down and extremely badly wounded. By the time he had effectively recovered and got back to the Air Force, it was late 1942, and he made his way through Spain to North Africa, where he joined the newly-reconstituted French Air Force.

(*Specially for Andre!)
Comme Andre est un grand fana de GC I/5... *

This is the aircraft used during the battle by cne Jean-Mary Accart, OC 1 Sqn GC I/5. He scored 12 confirmed and three probables before being shot down and extremely badly wounded. By the time he had effectively recovered and got back to the Air Force, it was late 1942, and he made his way through Spain to North Africa, where he joined the newly-reconstituted French Air Force.

(*Specially for Andre!)

Thank you so much Nigel. I am very glad to see this plane for me (and the others of course).
Among others I have the book of Capitaine Accart "Chasseurs du ciel", éditions Vario (Fnac).