2 P3 questions


Charter Member
Guys, did I not read somewhere that the CFS3 disc would no longer be needed? Maybe I was just imaging things.

And, when installing I got a message saying the P3 would overwrite P2..well, I had taken P2 off of the drive so I could have a fresh install, all of the folders too. So, is P3 seeing P2 somehwere in the registry perhaps?
Guys, did I not read somewhere that the CFS3 disc would no longer be needed? Maybe I was just imaging things.

And, when installing I got a message saying the P3 would overwrite P2..well, I had taken P2 off of the drive so I could have a fresh install, all of the folders too. So, is P3 seeing P2 somehwere in the registry perhaps?


1) Only if you bought the UBI CFS3 release - otherwise you need the genuine thing!

2) Should not be a problem - is P3 running O.K?

Yeh, it's running fine..I had to back the terrain and scenery to 3's and the planes to 4's. I still get some stutter if there are a lot of planes, but untill I can afford yet another upgrade, I'll make do. The looks of it is absolutely stunning, even with the settings backed off. I especially like the whole report process and the mission review. Great stuff.
By the way, Winder, PM me with a list of what stays and what goes as far as stickies and I'll get to it ASAP. mid